Home python Return function in python

Return function in python




Hello! I have a code that runs on the row range, while throwing out None . If you do not use RETURN and DEF , everything works fine, but I can not pick up the obtained values ​​from the function to further code. Example:

for i in range (19, 24):
  model_name = (sheet.cell (row = i, column = 2) .value)
  If model_name! = None:
    Print (Model_Name)


value 1
Meaning 2.

Decided to try using def + Return , but it turns out that only the first value from Range is closed. Example:

def md ():
  For i in Range (19, 24):
    model_name = (sheet.cell (row = i, column = 2) .value)
    If model_name! = None:
      Return Model_Name.
Model_Name = MD ()
Print (Model_Name)


value 1

Question: how to make it possible to pull out all the values ​​from the function in the “global” code, i.e. beyond her? Thank you all in advance!

p.s. It is also necessary to drain none

Answer 1, Authority 100%

You can do without an intermediate list if you use the Yield statement, with which you can return from the function as many values ​​(including infinite number of values):

def get_models ():
  For i in Range (19, 24):
    model_name = (sheet.cell (row = i, column = 2) .value)
    if model_name is none:
      Yield Model_Name.
For Model_Name in Get_Models ():
  Print (Model_Name)

Answer 2, Authority 50%

Return list.


def md ():
  RESULT = []
  For i in Range (19, 24):
    model_name = sheet.cell (row = i, column = 2) .Value
    If Model_Name Is Not None:
      Result.APPEND (Model_Name)
  Return Result

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