Home python TypeRorror error: 'Float' Object Cannot Be Interpreted AS An Integer in Range

TypeRorror error: ‘Float’ Object Cannot Be Interpreted AS An Integer in Range




I do not understand something. I want to just withdraw the root from a (code below):

def root (a):
  S = ()
  For i in Range (int (a), int (-a), 0.0000001):
    X = A / I
    if x == i: s.append (x)
    ELSE: Continue.
  Return S.

I get a mistake:

traceback (most recent call last):
 File "& lt; pyshell # 12 & gt;", line 1, in & lt; module & gt;
  Print (Math.Operation.ROot (2)
 File "D: \ Pashka2 \ Programme \ Python \ Math.py", Line 40, In Root
  For i in Range (int (a), int (-a), 0.0000001):
Typeerror: 'Float' Object Cannot Be Interpreted AS An Integer

Why does this exception occur, and how can I fix the error?

Thanks in advance!

Answer 1

Range does not work with fractional parameters, only with integer. Alternatively, you can implement your Range , which will be able to work with Float , for example:

def frange (x, y, jump):
  While X & LT; y:
    Yield X.
    X + = Jump
Step = 0.000001.
  s = []
  For i in FRANGE (-A, A, STEP):
    X = A / I
    IF ABS (X - I) & LT; STEP:
      S.APPEND (X)
      # For more accurate result, it can be replaced with S.APPEND ((X + I) / 2)
  Return S.
Print (Root (4))

Function FRANGE Take from this answer: Range () for floats @kichik (crossed out sample code at the beginning of the answer)


[- 2.000000000279556, 1.9999999998691407]

c S.APPEND ((X + I) / 2) :

[- 2.0, 2.0]

Please note that I replaced the check for accurate equality to approximate
(| X-I | & lt; Step , i.e. the difference between X and I by module is less than step), otherwise it will be returned to the empty list.

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