Home python What an argument asks the function in the Python class: "TaskNumber1 ()...

What an argument asks the function in the Python class: “TaskNumber1 () Missing 1 Required Postal Argument: ‘Self'”




Code itself:

class tasksformath:
    Print ("\ n trip drifted at a speed of 110 km / h. With the same speed, he drove 6 hours. \ No distance overcame the train for these 6 hours?")
While True:
  Print (f "Task number {NOW_EXECUTE_NUMBER}")
  TasksFormath.TaskNumber1 ()

And Error:

file "C: \ users \ FleshStinger \ Desktop \ tasks.", Line 10, In & LT; Module & gt;
TasksFormath.TaskNumber1 ()
TypeRorror: TaskNumber1 () Missing 1 Required Postal Argument: 'Self'

What I wanted to do: I want to have a function from class TasksFormath tasknumber1 () ,
But he asks the argument. I added the argument self but gives an error. What to do?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

First you decide: a static method or object method?


static can be called the type (or objects such as objects), as:

tasksformath.task_number_1 ()

Static methods No SELF argument and they need to specify the @Staticmethod decorator :

class tasksformath:
  DEF Task_Number_1 ():

object method

The object method can be called exclusively objects:

tasks = tasksformath ()
tasks.task_number_1 ()

For these methods, the argument Self :

class tasksformath:
  DEF Task_Number_1 (Self):

class method

The class method is very similar to the static method: can be called the type (or objects such as objects), as:

tasksformath.task_number_1 ()

But there is one chip – mandatory transmission of the CLS argument to the class methods and the specification of the decorator @ClassMethod :

class tasksformath:
  DEF Task_Number_1 (CLS):

This will allow in the class methods when handling CLS Call fields and methods of class

Answer 2, Authority 50%

Because tasknumber1 is not classmethod , then it is necessary to create a class object in which this method is defined.

Just adding two round brackets into your code fragment, we get an acceptable result:

class tasksformath:
    Print ("\ n trip drifted at a speed of 110 km / h. With the same speed, he drove 6 hours. \ No distance overcame the train for these 6 hours?")
While True:
  Print (f "Task number {NOW_EXECUTE_NUMBER}")
  TasksFormath (). TaskNumber1 ()

Please note that the cycle is endless.

If you do not want to create an instance of a class, then use the @ClassMethod :

class tasksformath:
    Print ("\ n trip drifted at a speed of 110 km / h. With the same speed, he drove 6 hours. \ No distance overcame the train for these 6 hours?")
While True:
  Print (f "Task number {NOW_EXECUTE_NUMBER}")
  TasksFormath (). TaskNumber1 ()

Answer 3

Simply remove self from the function arguments, if you do not want it to be a class instance method, and you want it to be a static method that can be called using the class name:

class TasksForMath:
   def TaskNumber1 ():
     print ("\ nThe train traveled at 110 km / h. It traveled at the same speed for 6 hours. \ nWhat distance did the train cover in those 6 hours?")
now_execute_number = 1
print (f "Task number {now_execute_number}")
TasksForMath.TaskNumber1 ()

I removed the loop because it is infinite.

Problem number 1
The train was traveling at a speed of 110 km / h. He drove at the same speed for 6 hours.
How far has the train covered in these 6 hours?

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