Home reactjs does not create a Bundle.js file using WebPack

does not create a Bundle.js file using WebPack




Trying to collect a project using WebPack. The project is going, no errors occur. However, the bundle.js file is not created. What do I do wrong?

file package.json:

 "Name": "ezsadmin",
 "Version": "1.0.0",
 "Description": "Administrative panel",
 "Main": "WebPack.config.js",
 "scripts": {
  "Build": "WebPack",
  "Start": "WebPack --watch"
 "Repository": {
  "TYPE": "Git",
 "Author": "",
 "License": "ISC",
 "DevDependencies": {
  "@ Babel / Core": "^ 7.13.14",
  "Babel-Loader": "^ 8.2.2",
  "WebPack": "^ 5.30.0",
  "WebPack-Cli": "^ 4.6.0"
 "Dependencies": {
  "@ Babel / plugin-transform-react-jsx": "^ 7.13.12",
  "@ Babel / Preset-Env": "^ 7.13.12",
  "@ Babel / PRESET-REACT": "^ 7.13.13",
  "Babel": "^ 6.23.0",
  "Babel-Core": "^ 6.26.3",
  "File-Loader": "^ 6.2.0",
  "REACT": "^ 17.0.2",
  "REACT-DOM": "^ 17.0.2",
  "WebPack-Dev-Server": "^ 3.11.2"

WebPack.config.js file:

var pat = require ('path');
module.exports = {
  Entry: './assets/js/main.js',
  Module: {
    Rules: [
     {test: /\.svg$/, USE: 'SVG-inline-Loader'},
     {test: /\.css$/, Use: ['Style-Loader', 'Css-loader']},
     {test: / \.(js)$/, USE: 'Babel-Loader'}
  Output: {
   FileName: 'bundle.js',
   Path: Path.Resolve (__ Dirname, '/ Public / JS /')

Babel.config.json file:

 "Presets": ["@ Babel / Preset-React", "@ Babel / Preset-Env"],
 "Plugins": ["@ Babel / plugin-transform-react-jsx"]

here file Bundle.js I watched – I did not understand.

Answer 1

Error in

path: path.resolve (__ dirname, '/ public / js /')

file was created, but in the root of the hard disk.

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