Home reactjs React js record in the local storage

React js record in the local storage




It is necessary after closing the browser, when you open the newly saved all tasks todo.

Website: https://react-todo-app3.vercel.app

Git repository on: https://github.com/paul76546/react-todo-app3

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import TodoForm from './TodoForm';
import Todo from './Todo';
function TodoList () {
 const [todos, setTodos] = useState ([]);
 const addTodo = todo = & gt; {
  if (! todo.text || /^\s*$/.test(todo.text)) {
  const newTodos = [todo, ... todos];
  setTodos (newTodos);
  console.log (... todos);
 const updateTodo = (todoId, newValue) = & gt; {
  if (! newValue.text || /^\s*$/.test(newValue.text)) {
  setTodos (? prev = & gt; prev.map (item = & gt; (item.id === todoId newValue: item)));
 const removeTodo = id = & gt; {
  const removedArr = [... todos] .filter (todo = & gt; todo.id == id!);
  setTodos (removedArr);
 const completeTodo = id = & gt; {
  let updatedTodos = todos.map (todo = & gt; {
   if (todo.id === id) {
    todo.isComplete = todo.isComplete!;
   return todo;
  setTodos (updatedTodos);
 // h1 heading What are your plans for today?
 // (What's the Plan for Today?) English
 // changing to-do list for today
 // put back
 return (
  & Lt; & gt;
   & Lt; h1 & gt; What's the Plan for Today & lt;? / H1 & gt;
   & Lt; TodoForm onSubmit = {addTodo} / & gt;
   & Lt; Todo
    todos = {todos}
    completeTodo = {completeTodo}
    removeTodo = {removeTodo}
    updateTodo = {updateTodo}
   / & gt;
  & Lt; / & gt;
export default TodoList;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Line initialization state todos remake at:

const [todos, setTodos] = useState (localStorage.getItem ( 'todos')? JSON.parse (localStorage.getItem ( 'todos')): []);

Adding another function (eg: setTodosWithSave):

const setTodosWithSave = (newTodos) = & gt; {
   setTodos (newTodos);
   localStorage.setItem ( 'todos', JSON.stringify (newTodos))

The functions of the addTodo, updateTodo, removeTodo, completeTodo change the function setTodos to setTodosWithSave

Answer 2

// import {reactLocalStorage} from 'reactjs-localstorage';
import TodoForm from './TodoForm';
import Todo from './Todo';
function TodoList () {
 // const [todos, setTodos] = useState ([]); for reworking
 const [todos, setTodos] = useState (localStorage.getItem ( 'todos') JSON.parse (localStorage.getItem ( 'todos')): []?);
 // add another function
 const setTodosWithSave = (newTodos) = & gt; {
  setTodos (newTodos);
  localStorage.setItem ( 'todos', JSON.stringify (newTodos))
 const addTodo = todo = & gt; {
  if (! todo.text || /^\s*$/.test(todo.text)) {
  const newTodos = [todo, ... todos];
  setTodosWithSave (newTodos);
  console.log (... todos);
// in front of the console log was setTodos (newTodos);
 const updateTodo = (todoId, newValue) = & gt; {
  if (! newValue.text || /^\s*$/.test(newValue.text)) {
  setTodos (? prev = & gt; prev.map (item = & gt; (item.id === todoId newValue: item)));
// 34 string?
 const removeTodo = id = & gt; {
  const removedArr = [... todos] .filter (todo = & gt; todo.id == id!);
  setTodosWithSave (removedArr);
 const completeTodo = id = & gt; {
  let updatedTodos = todos.map (todo = & gt; {
   if (todo.id === id) {
    todo.isComplete = todo.isComplete!;
   return todo;
  setTodosWithSave (updatedTodos);
 // let toLocal = reactLocalStorage.setObject ( 'var', { 'test': 'test'}); ????? How
 // h1 heading What are your plans for today? 
// (What's the plane for today?) In English
  // I change the list of cases for today
  // I put back
  Return (
   & lt; & gt;
    & lt; h1 & gt; list of cases today & lt; / h1 & gt;
    & lt; todoform onsubmit = {addtodo} / & gt;
    & lt; todo
     TODOS = {TODOS}
     removetodo = {removetodo}
     UpdateTodo = {UpdateToDo}
    / & gt;
   & lt; / & gt;

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