Home spring Maven does not load the SpringFramework / Spring-Core dependences / older version...

Maven does not load the SpringFramework / Spring-Core dependences / older version 4.3.0.release




Why Maven refuses to load dependencies from here
http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/springframework/spring -core /
Older 4.3.0.release

Why can it be?
Idea writes
Dependency ‘Org.SpringFramework: Spring-Core: 5.0.0.release’ Not Found More …

& lt; dependency & gt;
      & lt; groupid & gt; org.springframework & lt; / groupid & gt;
      & lt; artifactid & gt; spring-core & lt; / artifactid & gt;
      & lt; Version & gt; 4.3.0.release & lt; / version & gt;
    & lt; / dependency & gt;
 & lt; pluginrepositories & gt;
    & lt; pluginrepository & gt;
      & lt; ID & GT; Central & LT; / ID & GT;
      & lt; Name & GT; Maven Plugin Repository & LT; / Name & GT;
      & lt; url & gt; http: //repo1.maven.org/maven2< / url & gt;
    & lt; / pluginrepository & gt;
  & lt; / pluginrepositories & gt;

Answer 1

& lt; pluginrepository & gt; Used to download Maven plugins, so that its addition does not affect the search for ordinary dependencies.

depending on you specify that you are looking for 4.3.0.release , so nothing surprising that 5.0 is not downloaded.

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