Home unity3d Neighboring cells in hexagonal telmape

Neighboring cells in hexagonal telmape




Is there a way to get neighboring cells for tilemap? For hexagonal grid, rectangular coordinates are used, but I do not understand how they are distributed, so it does not turn out the standard offset. You can return excessive (i.e. 8, as for a square), but this option does not fit me.

Chuuter know that the answer is elementary, but I can’t prove 🙂

Answer 1, Authority 100%

figured out independently.

tl; dr

So (if you need lazy calculations):

ionumerable & lt; vector3int & gt; GetneighBours (Vector3Int Cell) {
  Var Yeven = Cell.y% 2 == 0;
  Yield Return Cell + New Vector3int (+1, +0, 0); // Horizontal right
  Yield Return Cell + New Vector3int (-1, +0, 0); // Horizontal left
  Yield Return Cell + New Vector3int (+0, +1, 0); // Diagonal Upper (for an even row - right, for odd - left)
  Yield Return Cell + New Vector3int (+0, -1, 0); // Diagonal Nizhny (for a series of rows - right, for odd - left)
  Yield Return Cell + Yeven
    . new vector3int (-1, +1, 0) // Thorn row, diagonal top left
    : new vector3int (+1, +1, 0); // odd row, diagonal top right
  Yield Return Cell + Yeven
    . new vector3int (-1, -1, 0) // Thorn row, diagonal bottom left
    : new vector3int (+1, -1, 0); // The odd row, the diagonal bottom right

or, for example, so (if you need, for example, an array):

vector3int [] getneighbours (vector3int cell) = & gt; new [] {
   Cell + New Vector3INT (+1, +0, 0),
   Cell + New Vector3int (+0, +1, 0),
   Cell + New Vector3int (-1, +0, 0),
   Cell + New Vector3int (+0, -1, 0),
   Cell + Cell.y% 2 == 0? new vector3int (-1, +1, 0): new vector3int (+1, +1, 0),
   Cell + Cell.y% 2 == 0? new vector3int (-1, -1, 0): new vector3int (+1, -1, 0)

What is happening here?

It’s not in Unity and not in Tilemap, it is in principle to use rectangular coordinates for a hexagonal grid. In the usual cell mesh are located as follows:

in hexagonal (which is also rectangular, but well masked) so:

i.e., odd rows are shifted there to the right so that each cell has no more than six neighbors. Neighbors along the X axis (horizontal) will always be calculated equally, because They are in the same row. Neighbors on y (diagonal) for different rows are calculated in different ways. Since the ranks are shifted to each other in different directions.

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