Home windows Simultaneously create and go to the created folder on Windows on the...

Simultaneously create and go to the created folder on Windows on the command line




There is a problem. On the command line there are such commands: mkdir (create a folder) and CD (go to folder). So, how to combine these 2 teams? Is there such a team or need to create it yourself. I know to Linux you need to “lie” with the .bashrc file, but there is simply no such file on windows. What to do?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

To execute several commands from one command line,
You need to combine them using conditional symbol:

Team1 & amp; Team2 – Used to split multiple commands in one command line. In cmd.exe the first command is performed,
Then the second command.

Team1 & amp; & amp; Team2 – Runs a command behind the & amp; & amp; symbol, only if the command facing this symbol has been completed
successfully. In cmd.exe the first command is performed. Second team
Performed only if the first was successful.

Team1 || Command2 – Runs the command behind the || symbol, only if the command facing the || symbol has not been completed. V
cmd.exe The first command is performed. The second team is performed, only
If the first was not executed (the resulting error code exceeds zero).

For your example:

mkdir some_dir & amp; & amp; CD Some_Dir

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