Home yii2 Debugging Tasks Yii2 Queue

Debugging Tasks Yii2 Queue




Decided to send letters to use Yii2-Queue.

& lt;? php
Namespace App \ Models;
USE Yii \ Base \ BaseObject;
Use App \ Models \ NewSletter;
Use App \ Models \ Newsletterquene;
Class Newsletterjob Extends BaseObject IMPLEMENTS \ Yii \ Queue \ JobInterface
 Public $ newsletterid;
  Public Function Execute ($ Queue)
    $ newsletter = newsletter :: find () - & gt; where (['id' = & gt; 8]) - & gt; one ();
    $ Mails = Newsletterquene :: Find () - & gt; where (['Status' = & gt; 1]) - & gt;
    Limit (\ Yii :: $ App- & gt; params ['newSletterCount']) - & gt; all ();
    $ changestatus = [];
    Foreach ($ Mails AS $ Mail) {
      \ Yii :: $ App- & gt; mailer- & gt; compose (
          'Content' = & gt; $ newsletter- & gt; message,
          'name' = & gt; $ Mail- & GT; Name
        - & gt; setFrom (Yii :: $ App- & gt; params ['fromemail'])
        - & gt; setto ($ Mail- & gt; email)
        - & gt; SetSubject ($ newsletter- & gt; subject)
        - & gt; sen ();
      $ Mail- & gt; Status = 2;
      $ Mail- & gt; save ();
       $ changestatus [] = $ Mail- & gt; ID;
    NewSletterquene :: Updateall (['Status' = & gt; 2], ['in', 'id', $ changstatus]);

Here Job

Create a queue so

yii :: $ app- & gt; queue- & gt; push (new newsletterjob ([
      'newSletterid' = & gt; $ model- & gt; id

Run in the console,
turn works out
No errors,
But nothing happens, no letters are sent, no status changes.
How to debug Joba
This is not the controller so that you can
$ this- & gt; stdout (VAR_DUMP (something);

output is not, and it is not clear, or if the error is that.
Queue is configured to work with DB
She works fine, see tasks,
I see that …

Answer 1, Authority 100%

php yii queue / run --verbose = 1-isolate = 0

verbose = 1 – for detailed output to the console

isolate = 0 – will work in one thread and it will be possible to work with xdebug (put the stop points)

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