Home reactjs Error When installing the VK Mini App template via NPX

Error When installing the VK Mini App template via NPX




Decided to try to create an application for VK Mini Apps. They offer to install a ready-made template through the command:
npx @ vkontakte / create-vk-mini-app & lt; folder name & gt;

However, after that I get the following error:

5878 error [email protected] postinstall: `node -e" try {order ('/ postinstall ')} Catch (E) {} "`
Error Spawn Enoent.
5879 ERROR FAILED AT THE [email protected] PostInstall script.
5879 Error This Is ProBably Not A Problem with NPM. There Is Likely Additional Logging Output Above.

I tried to additionally install the Core-JS module in advance as version 2.6.11 and the last, the following command:

NPM Install Core-JS

npm install [email protected]

Operating System – Debian 8

Perhaps anyone faced this problem? How can it be solved?

p. S. With a pattern of a regular application that is set via NPX @ Vkontakte / Create-VK-App & LT; Folder Name & GT; the same problem. When creating a clean application on the react command NPX CREATE-REACT-APP & LT; Folder Name & GT; Everything works with a bang.

p. P. S. Photo Console errors:

Answer 1

In your screenshot there is an error Permission Dinied Apparently, the installer is not easy to create a file or folder. Although it is very strange if you run the script from the root

Answer 2

There in the end there is a path to a file with detailed logs, look there. It is also important to know the version of the nodium: Debian can have a very old ID and NPM.
There is also the generator itself in NPM old and I asked the guys to update it https: //github.com/vkcom/create-vk-mini-app/issues/28

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