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when zoom disappears, if you lead the card to the side, and then go back, then some of the tags can be displayed ..
Specified IDE installed from the official site. Trial version (30 days). When installing, noted C++ Builder X32 Win and C++ Builder X64 Win. I...
Teaching RandomRorest -
Here's the code:
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split (X, y,
The task is next
The site is built on Wordpress 5.2.2
There are 3 parent blocks each with a different id that are added...
How can I implement LUA error output for example: "Syntax Error in Script.lua 4 Line". I use Luabridge and Lua5.3. Here is my class...
Visual Studio has WPF for C #, but as far as I know there is a WPF for C++, but I can not find...