Home python Alphabappish Morse translation to Russian letters

Alphabappish Morse translation to Russian letters




There is a code for the translation of the Morse code in the letters, but it does not want to translate more than two letters. How can I convert code, so that all letters separated by spaces were translated into the text?

message = input ("Please Type A Message to Encrypt:")
new_message = ""
Letters = {".-": "A",
      "-...": "b",
      "-.-.": "C",}
If Letters [Message]:
  New_Message = Letters [Message]
  New_Message = "This Cannot Be Turned to Morse Code"
Print (new_message)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

message = input ("Please Type A Message to Encrypt:")
Letters = {"A": ".-",
      "B": "-...",
      "C": "-.-.",
new_message = ""
For CH in Message:
    New_Message + = Letters.get (CH)
    Print ('This Symbol Cannot Be Turned to Morse Code')
    EXIT (0)
Print (new_message)

Answer 2

something like this:

message = input ("Please Type A Message to Encrypt:")
new_message = ""
Letters = {".-": "A",
      "-...": "b",
      "-.-.": "C",}
For Char in Message.Split ():
  if char in letters:
    New_Message + = Letters [Char]
    New_Message = "This Cannot Be Turned to Morse Code"
print (new_message)

Only the English inscription while you say that you are on the contrary translate text into Morse code.

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