Home computickets table 'phpmyadmin.pma_recent' dooesn't exist

table ‘phpmyadmin.pma_recent’ dooesn’t exist




Hello everyone, can anyone explain what this is an error and how to fix it

Answer 1, Authority 100%

To solve this task, we will need a dictionary, English-English or, elementary knowledge of English. And so we have such a mistake:

1146 – Table ‘phpmyAdmin.pma_recent’ doesn’t exist

And so, I do not need a dictionary, because I know English, but you can use it, it says:

1146 – Table ‘phpmyAdmin.pma_recent’ does not exist.

Now you check this table, you will see that it is not, insert it there and the error will disappear.

Answer 2, Authority 100%

found in the Internet:

Terms in the “config.inc.php” file,
which is in the installation article
“phpmyAdmin 3.5.0”
(http://php-myadmin.ru/learning/instrument-pma.html )
Just in the second part of the file that
adds after importing tables,
Understanding after ‘PMA’ should be
not solitary, as indicated in the article, and
Double. Because names in the database – with
Double underlines!

In short, this is a cant of the author who wrote a manual, the full code should look like this:

& lt;? php
 $ i = 0;
 $ i ++;
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Host'] = 'Localhost';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['extension'] = 'mysqli';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Connect_Type'] = 'TCP';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['compress'] = false;
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['auth_type'] = 'config';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['user'] = 'root';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['password'] = 'password'; / * Root user password. * /
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['ControlHost'] = 'LocalHost';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Controluser'] = 'PMA'; / * The name of the user you create is just to access extended tables. * /
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['ControlPass'] = 'password'; / * And here is his password. * /
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['pmadb'] = 'phpmyAdmin';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['BookmarkTable'] = 'PMA__BOOKMARK';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Relation'] = 'PMA__RELATION';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Table_info'] = 'PMA__Table_info';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Table_coords'] = 'PMA__Table_coords';
 $ CFG ['series'] [$ i] ['pdf_pages'] = 'pma__pdf_pages';
 $ CFG ['series'] [$ i] ['column_info'] = 'pma__column_info';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['History'] = 'PMA__HISTORY';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['tracking'] = 'pma__Tracking';
 $ CFG ['series'] [$ i] ['designer_coords'] = 'pma__designer_coords';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['userconfig'] = 'pma__userconfig';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['recent'] = 'pma__recent';
 $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ i] ['Table_uiprefs'] = 'PMA__Table_uiprefs';
? & gt;

Answer 3

This error shows no database for PHPMYAdmin (it stores the settings). Just import these tables to the database from phpmyAdmin / SQL / ** create_tables.sql ** so:

$ mysql -uroot -p & lt; Create_Tables.sql.

or via Web PHPMYAdmin in the Import


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