There is an Input field, which, depending on the selected settings, either the adding function to the database or the search for the database with the specified mask.
& lt; form method = "post" & gt;
& lt; p & gt; Member last name:
& lt; p & gt; & lt; input id = "new_partner" name = "name_partner" type = "text" placeholder = "surname" & gt;
& lt; p & gt; Mode of operation:
& lt; p & gt; & lt; input id = "Check" name = "option1" type = "Radio" & gt; Adding a new member
& lt; input id = "Check" name = "option2" type = "Radio" & gt; Search for a member by specified mask
& lt; div id = "link" hidden & gt;
& lt; p & gt; Additional settings:
& lt; p & gt; & lt; input id = "Check" name = "option3" type = "checkbox" & gt; Autodist Table Participants
& lt; / div & gt;
& lt; p & gt; & lt; input type = "submit" name = "submit" Value = "Run" & gt;
& lt; input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "View the entire list of participants" & gt;
& lt; / form & gt;
How to use AJAX to check the selected RADIO INPUT settings so that when selecting the “Search for the Participant Mask” item, the script launched below?
Script, which makes a search with the specified condition (registered for another INPUT):
$ (function () {
$ ("# search"). Keyup (Function () {
Var Search = $ ("# search"). Val ();
$.ajax ({
Type: "POST",
Data: {"SEARCH": Search},
Cache: False,
$ ("# rasearch"). HTML (Response);
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Add to HTML Values Value
RadioButton’ov, and Name
should be the same with them:
& lt; input id = "check" name = "optionradio" value = "1" type = "Radio" & gt; Adding a new member
& lt; input id = "Check" name = "optionradio" value = "2" type = "Radio" & gt; Search for a member by specified mask
Now you need to get Value
from the selected button’a in switching them:
$ ('input [name = optionradio]). Change (Function () {
var value = $ ('INPUT [NAME = OptionRadio]: Checked'). Val ();
And then, based on the value, build your button behavior logic. Example