Home android navigationdrawer





You need to add a menu (NavigationDrawer) to the application. As I understood it is done in DrawerLayout, but I already have a constraintlayout in my activat. Tell me how to add please

& lt; androidx.constraintlayout.widget.constraintlayout xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/ APK / RES / Android "
XMLNS: App = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto"
XMLNS: Tools = "http://schemas.android.com/tools"
Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
Android: Layout_Height = "Match_Parent"
Tools: Context = ". MainActivity"
Tools: viewBindingignore = "True" & gt;
& lt; AndroidX.Fragment.app.fragmentContainerView
  Android: id = "@ + id / container"
  Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
  Android: layout_height = "280dp"
  App: layout_constraintend_toendof = "parent"
  App: layout_constraintstart_tostartof = "parent"
  App: layout_constrainttop_totopof = "parent" / & gt;
& lt; AndroidX.Fragment.app.fragmentContainerView
  Android: id = "@ + id / container2"
  Android: layout_width = "Match_Parent"
  Android: layout_height = "280dp"
  App: layout_constraintstart_tostartof = "parent"
  App: layout_constraintbottom_tobottomof = "parent"
  App: layout_constraintend_toendof = "parent" / & gt;

& lt; /androidx.constraintlayout.widget.constraintlayout>

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Android Studio has a whole template for a new project: Navigation Drawer Activity.

Create a new project using this template, see how everything is arranged, copy yourself.

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