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How to make control for a 2D character in Unity on a PC, without double jump and with a player turn in different directions




How to make control for a 2D character in unity on a PC, without a double jump and with a player turn in different directions

Answer 1, Authority 100%

How to configure the script shown in video

using system.collections;
Using System.Collections.Genic;
using System.Runtime.comPilerservices;
using unityengine;
Public Class PF: Monobehaviour
  RigidBody2D RB;
  Public Float Speed;
  Public Float Jumpheight;
  Public Transform GroundCheck;
  Animator Anim;
  Void Start ()
    rb = getComponent & lt; rigidbody2d & gt; ();
  Void Update ()
    Flip ();
    Checkground ();
    rb.Velocity = new vector2 (input.getaxis ("horizontal") * Speed, rb.Velocity.y);
    if (input.GetKeyDown (keycode.space) & amp; & amp; isgrounded)
      RB.AddForce (transform.up * jumpheight, forecemode2d.impulse);
  Void Flip ()
    if (input.getaxis ("horizontal") & gt; 0)
    transform.localrotation = quaternion.euler (0, 0, 0);
    if (Input.Getaxis ("Horizontal") & lt; 0)
    transform.localrotation = quaternion.euler (0, 180, 0);
  Void Checkground ()
    Collider2D [] Colliders = Physics2d.Overlapcircleall (GroundCheck.position, 1);
    isgrounded = colliders.length & gt; 1;

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