Home c# How to work Await async

How to work Await async [duplicate]




I read a lot of literature but still I can’t understand how the await and async works. Well, even kill. Everywhere examples with httpclient, but for me they are not clear. I’m trying to figure it out myself.
That’s what I understood:

as soon as our code meets AWAIT
Return control occurs. After
completion of the expected operation method
Restores. More precisely continues
execution from the place where
Stopped when I ran into AWAit.

Good, I wrote a couple of lines of code (perhaps just did something wrong)

async task mymethod () {
  int sum = 0;
  await somecycleasync ();
  Console.WriteLine ("Completed Cycle2");
  var Mytask = await resultofcycle ();
  Console.Writeline ("Completed Cycle1");
ASYNC TASK & LT; INT & GT; Resultofcycle () {
  int sum = 0;
  For (int i = 0; i & lt; 1000000000; i ++) {
    SUM + = I;
  Return Sum;
Private Void Form1_Load (Object Sender, Eventargs E) {
  MyMethod ();
  1. In the MyMethod method, the word await is found and, as far as I understand, management should go back to Form_load , right?

  2. During the method>SomecycleAsync method, it is found AWAIT , i.e. By logic, the management should go to Console.Writeline ("Cycle2"); But the result of the work is:

Completed cycle1


Explain to me please why? I do not understand at all

Answer 1, Authority 100%


By itself, async / await do not include multithreading / asynchrony. They only create conditions under which this asynchronism is easy to implement.

is actually when the async modode is called, the following occurs.

  1. starts to synchronously run ASYNC -Metode. If this method ends until the first AWAIT , the result is delivered synchronously, and from the method returns the already ended , completed Task .
  2. If in the process of execution met AWAIT , the system checks whether the task has been worked on which AWAIT . If this task has been worked out, then its result is substituted, and synchronous execution continues on.
  3. If the task on which AWAIT occurs, it has not yet been worked out, at this point from the method returned in progress Task . At this point, the external code receives control and continues to be performed. For example, this code can record Task to the variable and continue to engage in your affairs. Or it can execute await to the received task , and since this task is not yet completed, the external code at this point is similar to the management of even more external code , and. etc.
  4. When TASK , which is AWAIT , will be completed (making a result or exception), the code after await will resume your work.

In your case, the following happens:

  1. called Form1_load .
  2. Stitch MyMethod (); . This code will produce Task , which will later be simply ignored.
  3. starts the MyMethod method. It is performed synchronously int sum = 0; . To perform the next line to start, you need to perform SOMECYCLEASYNC >And then AWAIT on the resulting task .
  4. Starts the execution of SomecycleAsync . To receive Task , according to which you need to do AWAIT , the ResultOfcycle method>method is started.
  5. Begins the execution of resultofcycle () . Since there is no asynchronous call anywhere in it, it is fully synchronously. From the method returned to the completed Task .
  6. Controls returns to SomecycleAsync . It is performed AWAIT on Task obtained in the previous paragraph. Since this task is already completed, in the variable MyTask simply writes int action. The line Console.WriteLine is running ("Cycle1"); . This is the execution of the SomecycleAsync method ends. Since it did not have asynchronous expectation, the completed Task is returned.
  7. Control is returned to the MyMethod () method. Begins to run AWAIT on the received Task . Since TASK is complete, nothing happens, the method continues to be synchronously performed. The line console.writeline ("executed cycle2") is triggered; , the method ends returns the completed Task
  8. Control is returned to Form_load . The resulting Task is ignored, execution ends.

It would be more correct for your purposes to explicitly launch the calculations asynchronically. For example, so:

async task mymethod () {
  await somecycleasync ();
  Console.Writeline ("Completed Cycle-2");
  Console.Writeline ("starts cycle");
  // It launches a long calculation on the stream pool
  Var Result = Await Task.run (ResultOfcycle);
  Console.Writeline ("Cycle completed, Result:" + Result);
INT ResultOfcycle ()
  int sum = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i & lt; 1000000000; i ++)
    SUM + = I;
  Return Sum;
Private Async Void Form1_Load (Object Sender, Eventargs E)
  await mymethod ();

Answer 2, Authority 8%

You resultofcycle () must return task & lt; int & gt; , but returns Sum , which is just INT . In the method itself, there is no second stream in which it would be performed.
await written in front of the task object or the method returning the task object.

Example for Task (Calling a function that does not return anything):

static void main (String [] Args)
  My ();
  for (int i = 1; i & lt; = 10; i ++)
    Thread.sleep (1000);
    Console.Writeline ($ "* {I * 1000}");
  Console.ReadLine ();
  AWAIT GetMessage (3000);
Static Task GetMessage (Int Time)
  Return Task.run (() = & gt; {
    Thread.Sleep (Time);
    Console.WriteLine ($ "zxzxz {time.tostring ()}");

Example for Task & Lt; T & GT; (call a function that returns an object type T or in our case string ):

static void main (String [] Args)
  My ();
  for (int i = 1; i & lt; 10; i ++)
    Thread.sleep (1000);
    Console.Writeline ($ "* {I * 1000}");
  Console.ReadLine ();
  String Message = Await GetMessage (3000);
  Console.WriteLine (Message);
Static Task & Lt; String & GT; GetMessage (Int Time)
  Return Task.run (() = & gt; {
    Thread.Sleep (Time);
    Return $ "zxzxz {time.tostring ()}";
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