Home c++ C++ Bubble Sort

C++ Bubble Sort




Answer 1, authority 100%

Judging by the implementation of the algorithm, this is not bubble_sort at all, but selection sort.

With a bubble it would be

// Swap NEIGHBORING elements (changing the rest of the code as well).
swap (vArray [i], vArray [i + 1])

Answer 2, authority 29%

C++ Bubble Sort Vector

# include & lt; vector & gt;
template & lt; typename T & gt;
inline void swap (T & amp; arg1, T & amp; arg2)
  T temp = arg1;
  arg1 = arg2;
  arg2 = temp;
template & lt; typename T & gt;
void bubble_sort (std :: vector & lt; T & gt; & amp; vArray)
  for (int i = 0; i & lt; vArray.size (); ++ i)
    for (int j = vArray.size () - 1; j & gt; i; --j)
      if (vArray [i] & gt; vArray [j])
      {swap (vArray [i], vArray [j]); }

Answer 3, authority 14%

Generalized bubble sort looks like this:

template & lt; typename BidirIterator, typename Compare = std :: less & lt; & gt; & gt;
void bubble_sort (BidirIterator first, BidirIterator last, Compare cmp = {}) {
  if (first == last) return;
  while (first! = --last)
    for (auto it = first; it! = last; ++ it)
      if (! cmp (* it, * std :: next (it)))
        std :: iter_swap (it, std :: next (it));

The most elements “float” to the end of the sequence, so at each iteration of the outer loop, the unsorted part of the sequence is shortened from the end.

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