Home c++ Checking a number for evenness

Checking a number for evenness




There is the code below. You need to redo it using a function to check the parity of the entered number. After checking for parity, the program should ask for more numbers to enter.

# include & lt; iostream & gt;
using namespace std;
void main () {
  setlocale (LC_ALL, "ukr");
  int a;
  cout & lt; & lt; ("-Enter the number:");
  cin & gt; & gt; a;
  if (a% 2 == 0)
    cout & lt; & lt; ("-This is an even number \ n");
    cout & lt; & lt; ("-This is an Odd number \ n");
  system ("pause");

Answer 1, authority 100%

Try it like this

std :: string str;
while (true)
  std :: cout & lt; & lt; ("-Enter the number:");
  std :: cin & gt; & gt; str;
  if (str == "quit")
  int value = :: strtol (str.c_str (), 0, 10);
  if (value% 2 == 0)
    std :: cout & lt; & lt; ("-number \ n");
    std :: cout & lt; & lt; ("-Odd \ n");

Only here the situation is not handled when an invalid string is transmitted

Answer 2, authority 50%

for (;;)
  int N;
  cout & lt; & lt; "Enter a number; 0 to complete:";
  if (! (cin & gt; & gt; N) || (N == 0)) break;
  cout & lt; & lt; N & lt; & lt; "-" & lt; & lt; ((N & amp; 1)? "Not": "") & lt; & lt; "even number \ n";

Answer 3

You would add a loop

for (i = 1; i & lt; = 1000; i ++)
  cout & lt; & lt; ("-Enter the number:");
  cin & gt; & gt; a;
  if (a% 2 == 0)
  cout & lt; & lt; ("-This is an even number \ n");
cout & lt; & lt; ("-This is an Odd number \ n");

then the loop will check 1000 times, it all depends on how much and under what conditions to check for parity, otherwise another loop may be needed

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