Home c++ How to multiply two binary numbers in module 2, which are stored...

How to multiply two binary numbers in module 2, which are stored as rows




In zero position is stored a senior discharge of a binary number. Result Number consisting of numbers {0.1}.

string Mulbinary (Const String & Amp; Left, Const String & Amp; Right)
  Vector & lt; int & gt; RES;
  INT LEN = left.length () + right.length ();
  Res.Resize (LEN);
  int k = 0;
  for (int i = right.length () - 1; i & gt; = 0; i--)
    for (int j = left.length () - 1; j & gt; = 0; j--)
      res [k] ^ = ((left [i] - '0') * (Right [j] - '0'));
    k ++;
  String T;
  for (int i = 0; i & lt; res.size (); i ++)
    T.Push_Back (Res [i] + '0');

But it turns out, it considers it wrong, that is, the answer does not coincide with the fact that in the picture.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

  1. 1101×1110 = 10110110

Standard method for storing long numbers: in reverse order, i.e. The element with the number 0 stores the younger discharge. This removes a lot of problems.

Multiplication function by 2 (shift)

string shift (const string & amp; num) {
  Return "0" + Num;

Addition of two long binary numbers

String Add (Const String & Amp; Left, Const String & Amp; Right) {
  String A, B;
  int w = 0, d;
  // A long number, b - short
  if (left.length () & lt; right.length ()) {
    Temp = Right; a = left;
  ELSE {
    a = right; temp = left;
  For (int i = 0; i & lt; temp.length (); i ++) {
    If (I & LT; A.Length ()) {
      d = (temp [i] - '0') + (a [i] - '0') + w;
    ELSE {
      d = (temp [i] - '0') + w;
    TEMP [i] = (char) (D% 2 + '0');
    w = d / 2;
  if (w == 1) {temp = temp + '1'; }

Multiplication algorithm. At each step we move one factory on 1 position and add to the result.

string Mulbinary (Const String & Amp; Left, Const String & Amp; Right)
  String Temp;
  String a = left;
  If (Right [0] == '0') {
    temp = "0";
  ELSE {
    temp = left;
  for (int i = 1; i & lt; right.length (); i ++)
    a = shift (a);
    If (Right [i] == '1') {
      TEMP = Add (Temp, A);

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