Home c++ Row output under number N from file

Row output under number N from file




It is necessary that the string is displayed under number N, which is generated by random.
What function should be used for this? Preferably Blue Functions (CSTDIO)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

You need the function of opening a file, read and closing. Open the file, read the line and increase the counter. When the counter has reached the desired, we display the string.
Schematic code:

char * getline (char * filename, int nedded) {
 Char Line [250];
 File * F = Open (FileName, "R");
 int c = 0;
 While (C & LT; Needed & Amp; & amp; not eof (f)) {
   FSCANF (F, "% S", Line);
 Close (F);
 If (C! = NEDDED) {
 RETURN STRDUP (LINE); // Do not forget then free the buffer
char * line = getline ("input.txt", n);
If (Line) {
 PrintF ("% s \ n", line);

Answer 2, Authority 20%

// Indexing rows from zero
INT N_ReadLine (Const Char * Fname, Int N, Char * BUF, INT LEN) {
  Char C;
  File * FP = Fopen (FNAME, "RT");
  if (FP == NULL)
    Return 0;
  While (! FeOF (FP) & amp; & amp; (n & gt; 0)) {
    FSCANF (FP, "% * [^ \ N \ r]% C", & amp; c);
  If (! FeOF (FP))
    FGETS (BUF, LEN-1, FP);
    * buf = '\ 0';
  FClose (FP);
  Return (int) (* buf! = '\ 0');
 INT MAIN (Void) {
  Char BUF [255];
  // count a 2-line
  if (n_readline ("levels.txt", 1, buf, sizeof (buf)))
     Puts (BUF);
  // count the 3rd line
  if (N_ReadLine ("Levels.txt", 2, Buf, Sizeof (BUF)))
     Puts (BUF);
  Return 0;


Answer 3

In other answers, options are at clean C, and here you are on C++:

# include & lt; fstream & gt;
STD :: String Get_Line_N (Const Std :: String & Amp; FileName, Size_T n)
  STD :: IFStream F (FileName);
  // here would not prevent the verification that everything is in order with the file
  STD :: String Line;
  While (std :: getline (F, Line) & amp; & amp; notreached = (n-- & gt; 0))
  if (! notreached)
    Return Line;
    // there is no such line, report error
    // For example, throw a suitable exception.
    Throw Std :: Range_ERROR ();

For comparison, here on C #:

string getlinbynumber (String Filename, Int N)
  var line = file.Readlines (FileName) .Skip (n) .firstordefault ();
  if (Line! = NULL)
    Return Line;

Exercise: Why do you need a variable NotReached ? Why not check the value n ?

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