Home c++ Why std :: pair has a custom assignment operator, and does not...

Why std :: pair has a custom assignment operator, and does not use Default version?




Why std :: pair has a custom assignment operator, and does not use Default version?

code from libC++ just makes the soil assignment, which would have done a default operator:

_ libcpp_inline_visibility
Pair & amp; Operator = (TypeName Conditional & LT;
          is_copy_assignable & lt; first_type & gt; :: value & amp; & amp;
          is_copy_assignable & lt; Second_Type & gt; :: Value,
        Pair, __nat & gt; :: Type Const & amp; __p)
  _Nothrow_copy_assignable & lt; first_type & gt; :: Value & amp; & amp;
        is_nothrow_copy_assignable & lt; Second_Type & GT; :: Value)
  first = __p.first;
  Second = __p.second;

Copy constructor, for example, uses default implementation, so this is not Code Style:

pair (pair const & amp;) = default;

Answer 1, Authority 100%

In the language standard, this operator is declared explicitly. If you look at a note to this operator, then it says

Remarks: This operator is defined as deleted unless is_copy_assignable_v & lt; first_type & gt; is True and is_copy_assignable_v & lt; second_type & gt; is True .

That is, the arguments of the template must satisfy the requirements of std :: is_copy_assignable .
std :: is_copy_assignable requires the first argument to be assigned from the constant second: std :: is_assignable & lt; t & amp;, const t & amp; & gt; .

In turn, STD :: IS_ASSIGNABLE Must give True if the expression STD :: DECLVAL & LT; T & GT; () = STD :: DECLVAL & LT; U & GT ; () is compiled, i.e. Object type T You can assign an object like U .

i.e. The following code should not be compiled:

std :: pair & lt; int [4], int & gt; P1;
STD :: PAIR & LT; INT [4], int & gt; P2;
p2 = p1; // should be a mistake

So, if you leave the default statement, it will not be errors. Let’s make imitation on your own class:

template & lt; TypeName T & GT;
Struct Tester.
  Tester & amp; operator = (Tester Const & amp;) = Default;
  T mem;
TESTER & LT; INT [4] & gt; P1;
TESTER & LT; INT [4] & gt; P2;
p2 = p1; // no error
Using Type = int [4];
static_assert (std :: is_copy_assignable_v & lt; type & gt;, ""); // Error

As we see, the error is missing, although static_assert shows that the int [4] type does not satisfy the requirements of is_copy_assignable .

Therefore, an implicitly generated assignment operator is not suitable.

However, already explicitly written operator passes our test and we get an error when assigning arrays.

tester & amp; Operator = (Tester Const & Amp; RHV)
  mem = rhv.mem;

Additionally, you need to “hang out” the compilation time checks, as is done in the example given in the question.

Answer 2, Authority 40%

In order for the assignment operator to work even with types, instantiated links.


# include & lt; iostream & gt;
TEMPLATE & LT; Class T1, Class T2 & GT;
  T2 Second;
  // Pair & amp; Operator = (Const Pair & amp;) = default; // 1
  Pair & amp; Operator = (Const Pair & amp; RHS) {// 2
    first = rhs.first;
    Second = Rhs.second;
  int x = 1, y = 2;
  pair & lt; int & amp;, int & gt; p1 {x, y}, p2 {y, x};
  p1 = p2;
  STD :: COUT & LT; & LT; p1.first & lt; & lt; p1.second & lt; & lt; p2.first & lt; & lt; p2.second & lt; & lt; '\ n';

If you comment out 2 here and uncomment 1, it won’t work, but now it does.

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