Home computickets What is token?

What is token?




Often in programming I meet this name or phrase on the like “I get token”

What does it indicate?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The term Token has many different meanings. One sense is clarified in the @heidel post, but it is only one of the meanings, and not the most frequent.

In the context of the question, most likely, we are talking about a little different sense.

Under the token it is understood as the replacement of the object with some designation / identifier (often just an integer or string). For example: the session identifier is a classic token. Tokens are widely used usually in authorization / identification systems and so on. Technically is usually implemented as an entry in the database, where the token is an identifier of the data record of the user data or the provided access. Usually in this case, the token is calculated as a hash combination of a user data (login), server creation time and server key well, etc.

The meaning of all this is that instead of passing the user a whole premium of different data, it is enough to give him to the token and say: here’s a token and with the help of it, if necessary, do everything you need. This is also convenient and less than the risks of the illumination of the data.

Answer 2, Authority 38%

Tocken is something that the user must have access to the resource. For example, access to the server can be organized through the token.dat file for each user. Each user needs to be given his personal file token.dat, which contains a complete list of necessary data to access the resource, such as the address and port of the server, the user ID and its key.

Answer 3, Authority 19%

Lexeme (Token) is a minimum unit of a language that has an independent meaning. There are the following types of lexemes

  • names (identifiers);
  • keywords;
  • Operation Signs;
  • dividers;
  • literals (constants).

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