Home computickets Working with Excel in Delphi (memory cleaning)

Working with Excel in Delphi (memory cleaning)




I work with Excel in Delphi 7 via OLE. How to create a file, change something in it and close it, there are no problems. But I also need to open the Excel file saved in the database (MSSQL) for viewing. I work with Excel like this:

ExlApp: = CreateOleObject ('Excel.Application');
 ExlApp.Workbooks.Open (XLSFile);
 Sheet: = ExlApp.Workbooks [ExtractFileName (XLSFile)]. WorkSheets [1];
 ExlApp.DisplayAlerts: = false;
 ExlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close (SaveChanges: = False);
 Sheet: = Unassigned;
 ExlApp: = Unassigned;

If we are only going to open an Excel file, then there is a piece of code:

ExlApp.DisplayAlerts: = false;
 ExlApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close (SaveChanges: = False);
 Sheet: = Unassigned;
 ExlApp: = Unassigned;

will be absent, then do you need to clear the memory (when the user closes the Excel document) allocated for ExlApp and if so, how?

Answer 1, authority 100%

In fact, it should have been written like this:

 ExlApp.Visible: = True;
 Sheet: = Unassigned;
 ExlApp: = Unassigned;

We free memory and the program continues to run. And the user will close the Excel document when he sees fit.

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