Home java Android, how to choose the right photo from the gallery

Android, how to choose the right photo from the gallery




You need to choose a photo from the gallery. Here is the code in which when clicking in the gallery:

intent i = new intent (intent.action_pick);
i.settype ("image / *");
StartatoryIForResult (I, Constants.Request);

Here is the override of the OnactivityResult method:

Public void onactivityResult (Int Requestcode, Int ResultCode, Intent Data) {
  Bitmap img = null;
      If (RequestCode == Constants.Request) {
        Try {
          img = mediastore.images.media.getBitmap (getContext (). GetContentResolver (), selectedImage);
        } Catch (IoException E) {
          E.PrintStackTrace ();
        circleimageview.setimagebitmap (IMG);
super.onactivityResult (RequestCode, ResultCode, Data);

Everything starts, everything is fine, but when you select the photo it does not return to the app and does not put a photo in ImageView. Through logging, I learned that it was not running onactivityResult. What to do ?


Everything happens in a fragment. I thought about this and mistake, but in the onactivityResult method in activity, nothing happens.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If you call StartActivity From the fragment, then OnactivityResult you need to catch in a fragment, and if from Activity then in Activity

An example of a working code (used in the project):

intent intent = new intent ();
          INTENT.SETTYPE ("image / *");
          Intent.SetAction (Intent.action_pick);
          StartActivityForResult (Intent.createChooser (Intent, "Select Picture"), Pick_image_avatar);

Next onactivityResult:

if (RequestCode == Pick_image_avatar & amp; & amp; data! = null) {
        // Create File.
        Cursor c = getContentResolver (). Query (SelectedImage, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
        c.movetofirst ();
        STRING PATH = C.GetString (C.Getcolumnindex (MediaStore.mediaColumns.data));
        File File = New File (imagepickuputil.getRealPathFromuri (this, selectedImage));

At the request of ImagePickuputil:

Public Class ImagePickuputil {
    Public Static Final int pick_code = 100;
    / **
     * Detect The Available Intens and Open a New Dialog.
     * @param context
     * /
    Public Static Void OpenMediaSelector (Activity Context) {
      INTENT CAMINTENT = NEW INTENT ("Android.media.action.image_capture");
      Gallintent.Settype ("image / *");
  // Look for Available Intens
      List & lt; ResolveInfo & gt; info = new arraylist & lt; resolveinfo & gt; ();
      List & LT; Intent & GT; YourintensList = New ArrayList & LT; INTENT & GT; ();
      Packagemanager packagemanager = context.getpackagemanager ();
      List & lt; ResolveInfo & gt; listcam = packagemanager.queryintentactivities (Camintent, 0);
      For (ResolveInfo Res: Listcam) {
        Final Intent Finalintent = New Intent (Camintent);
        Finalintent.Setcomponent (new componentname (res.ractivityinfo.packagename, res.activityInfo.name));
        YourintensList.Add (finalintent);
        info.add (RES);
      List & lt; ResolveInfo & gt; ListGall = Packagemanager.QueryIntentAntivities (Gallintent, 0);
      For (ResolveInfo Res: ListGall) {
        Final Intent Finalintent = New Intent (Gallintent);
        Finalintent.Setcomponent (new componentname (res.ractivityinfo.packagename, res.activityInfo.name));
        YourintensList.Add (finalintent); 
info.add (RES);
  // Show Available Intens
      Opendialog (Context, YourintensList, Info);
    / **
     * Open a New Dialog with the Detected Items.
     * @param context
     * @Param Intens
     * @Param ActivitiesInfo.
     * /
    Private Static Void Opendialog (Final Activity Context, Final List & LT; Intent & GT; Intens,
                    List & lt; ResolveInfo & gt; ActivitiesInfo) {
      Alertdialog.builder dialog = new alertdialog.builder (CONTEXT);
      Dialog.Settitle ("Select Action");
      Dialog.Setadapter (Buildadapter (Context, ActivitiesInfo),
          new dialoginterface.onclicklistener () {
            Public Void OnClick (DialogInterface Dialog, Int ID) {
              context.startactivityforResult (INTENT, PICK_CODE);
      Dialog.setNeutralButton ("Cancel",
          new android.content.dialoginterface.onclicklistener () {
            Public Void OnClick (DialogInterface Dialog, Int Which) {
              dialog.dismiss ();
      dialog.show ();
    / **
     * Build The List of Items To Show Using The Intent_ListView_ROW Layout.
     * @param context
     * @Param ActivitiesInfo.
     * @return
     * /
    Private Static Arrayadapter & LT; ResolveInfo & GT; Buildadapter (Final Context Context, Final List & LT; ResolveInfo & GT; ActivitiesInfo) {
      Return New Arrayadapter & LT; ResolveInfo & GT; (Context, R.Layout.intent_ListView_ROW, R.ID.TITLE, ActivitiesInfo) {
        Public View GetView (Int Position, View ConvertView, ViewGroup Parent) {
          View View = Super.GetView (Position, ConvertView, Parent);
          ResolveInfo Res = ActivitiesInfo.get (Position);
          Imageview image = (imageview) view.findViewByid (r.id.icon);
          image.setImagedrawable (res.Loadicon (context.getpackagemanager ()));
          TextView TextView = (TextView) view.findViewByid (R.ID.title);
          textLabel (Context.getPackagemanager ()). Tostring ());
  // ================================================ =============
    / **
     * Get Absolute Path of the File From It's URI
     * @Param Context Context from Your Activity.
     * @param Contenturi Uri of the File.
     * @return Absolute Path Of the File
     * /
    Public Static String GetRealpathFromuri (Context CONTEXT, URI Contenturi) {
      Cursor Cursor = context.getContentResolver (). Query (Contenturi, Null, Null, NULL, NULL);
      If (Cursor == NULL) {// Source IS Dropbox or Other Similar Local File Path
        result = contenturi.getpath ();
      } else {
        cursor.movetofirst ();
        int iDx = Cursor.Getcolumnindex (mediastore.images.imagecolumns.data);
        if (idx & gt; = 0) {
          Result = Cursor.getString (IDX);
        cursor.close ();
    Public Static Bitmap ScaleImageFile (File F) {
      Try {
  // Decode Image Size
        Bitmapfactory.options o = new bitmapfactory.options ();
        Bitmapfactory.decodestream (New FileInputStream (F), NULL, O);
  // The New Size We Want to Scale To
        Final int required_size = 300;
  // Find The Correct Scale Value. IT SHOLD BE THE POWER OF 2.
        int scale = 1;
        While (O.Outwidth / Scale / 2 & GT; = Required_size & amp; & amp;
            O.outheight / Scale / 2 & gt; = required_size) { 
scale * = 2;
  // Decode with InsampleSize
        Bitmapfactory.options O2 = New BitmapFactory.Options ();
        O2.InsampleSize = scale;
        return bitmapfactory.decodestream (new fileinputstream (F), NULL, O2);
      } Catch (FileNotFoundException E) {
        E.PrintStackTrace ();
    // Storage Permissions
    Private Static Final int Request_external_storage = 1;
    Private Static String [] permissions_storage = {
    / **
     * Checks If The App Has Permission to Write to Device Storage
     * If The App Does Not Has Permission Thene The User Will Be Prompted to Grant Permissions
     * @Param Activity
     * /
    Public Static Void VerifyStoragePermissions (Activity Activity) {
  // Check If We Have Write Permission
      int permission = ActivityCompat.checkSelfpermission (Activity, manifest.permission.write_external_storage);
      If (permission! = packagemanager.permission_granted) {
  // We Don't Have Permission SO Prompt The User
        ActivityCompat.Requestpermissions (

Answer 2

Similar problem.
Deleting a string

Android: nohistory = "True"

From the description of Activity solved the problem

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