Home java Calling a constructor from a constructor

Calling a constructor from a constructor




I can’t figure out how to do this, help who knows.

I know it’s elementary, but still:

there are two constructors, one constructor (no arguments) must call the second constructor (with an argument of type int ).

public class MyInitTest {
  private String a;
  private double c;
    a = "non-static initialization block";
    System.out.println (a);
    c = 20.03652;
    System.out.println (c + a);
  static private String string;
  static private int anInt;
  static {
    string = "Static block";
    System.out.println (string);
  static {
    anInt = 6;
    System.out.println (anInt + "Static block");
  public MyInitTest () {
  public MyInitTest (int) {

Answer 1, authority 100%

public class Privet {
  public Privet () {
    this (1); // This constructor calls the constructor with a parameter
  public Privet (int a) {
    // ...

Answer 2, authority 93%

public class MyInitTest {
  public MyInitTest () {
    this (1); // call the second constructor
  public MyInitTest (int i) {
    // ...

Answer 3, authority 100%

If you need to call the constructor of the parent class, then

super (7);

if another constructor of the current class, then

this (8);

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