Home java How to use Java API documentation?

How to use Java API documentation?




I study programming on Java. Already implemented some code based on the tutorials who met on the Internet. Those. I needed a task, I was looking for some examples and came through the code, complementing and changing it to your needs. However, with the documentation I worked a little. And so I reached the fact that I need to write a regular class, which would be connected to the HTTP server (I created the server on the VERT.X platform, using the tutorial from the official documentation).

There is a network of tutorials, undoubtedly, but I want to learn how to use the documentation yourself (after all, Oracle has an excellent database on all APIs) and, based on it, to write some things from scratch. And here I open the page by WebSocket API, see a long list of methods and interfaces with classes. And then … In general, the feeling that I look like a ram on a new gate, eyes scatter from the manifold. Yes, I read a description of the methods, but as a friend with each other, I do not understand. And it is angry me, for you want to learn how to use the documentation. Please give a couple of tips, or the direction that learn.

PS. A small addition in anticipation of possible comments: “Uh, yes go to Google, you noob.” Yes, I’m noob, I know it, but I am a motivated noob who is ready to learn. And I would like to hear the advice of experienced people who were also newbies and also delve into it. Thank you

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Java API primarily helps when using the object or its method.
To explore the library (yes! Google to help you) is better to find a learning article.

For many libraries there are User Guide

Look like this is implemented for Apache Libraries:

First for a quick start, second for online help during development.

Answer 2, Authority 100%

API Documentation is a guide to find out which methods implements one or another class and their signatures with return values, existing designers, public fields and TP. Technical information. For the API documentation, no one has yet learned to program.

In order to write programs, you need to learn the ability to explain the car that you want from it, what to use the language, this is the second thing.

Just as you could explain that you are Vasya – both the Frenchman and the Evenka and the Chinese at some desire, since you have the skills of communication between people. But see how in French is written some word in the directory – the Russian-French dictionary, but you are unlikely to speak in French in French, since there is, except for words, more syntax of the vocabulary of grammar and TP. knowledge. I hope the analogy is understandable.

By the ability to write programs there is completely different literature, such as the fundamental work of Nicolas Wirth “Algorithms and Data Structures”. There is also a lot of general literature on the concept of OOP, application architecture and TP. Specifically, Java wrote Eckel, Shildt and other well-deserved people – it is necessary to read them, and see the documentation for the syntax certificate, and not by the logic and structure of the program.

Answer 3, Authority 25%

Having minimal knowledge of Anglo-Saxon can be approximately submitting which methods may be in the classroom documentation. For example, for classes that display anything on the screen should be GetY () , getx , Sety () , getWidth ( ) etc.

On the basis of this, you can start studying the documentation of the KL class looking for the methods you intended. The rest can be viewed to have an approximate view of available capabilities or if your assumptions about the presence of K-L methods were not confirmed.

and in most cases most of the methods you either do not need either their names will be so speaking that their description will be read and do not need.

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