Home java & lt; Identifier & gt; EXPECTED

& lt; Identifier & gt; EXPECTED




Compiler issues

ex5.java:10: error: & lt; imententifier & gt; Expected
    test.maxnum (MAS1);
ex5.java:10: Error: & lt; Identifier & gt; Expected
    test.maxnum (MAS1);
ex5.java:11: Error: & lt; Identifier & gt; Expected
    test.minnum (MAS1);
ex5.java:11: Error: & lt; Identifier & gt; Expected
    test.minnum (MAS1);
ex5.java:12: Error: & LT; Identifier & GT; Expected
    test.avrnum (MAS1);
ex5.java:12: Error: & LT; Identifier & GT; Expected
    test.avrnum (MAS1);

Answer 1, Authority 100%

In the body of the class can only be announcements. The code must be inside the methods.

class ex5 {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
    int [] MAS1 = NEW INT [5];
    For (int i = 0; i & lt; mas1.length; i ++) {
      MAS1 [i] = (int) (math.random () * 10);
      System.Out.print (MAS1 [I]);
    test.maxnum (MAS1);
    test.minnum (MAS1);
    test.avrnum (MAS1);

If you comply with formatting, it would be easy to notice the problem.

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