Home java tab and gap

tab and gap




What is the tabulation? How to describe it in Java code and why some people write that it is always better to use a tab?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Tabulation is an unprinted (managing) symbol, in the general case is entered by pressing the Tab key on the keyboard.

Good practice is the allocation of logical blocks in the code (cycles, conditions, classes and methods) using tabulation or several (usually four) spaces. It serves to read the code and accelerates his perception.

Compare the options with the tab and without:


package hellowarld;
Public Class HelloWorld {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
    System.out.PrintLN ("Hello, World!");

without tabulation:

package hellowarld;
Public Class HelloWorld {
Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
System.out.PrintLN ("Hello, World!");

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