Home java What does it mean "- & gt;" in java?

What does it mean “- & gt;” in java?




I study This tutorial . In some screenshots, there is a - & gt; , for example:

vertx.deployverticle ("com.mycompany.myrderprocessortellic", res - & gt; {
 if (res.Succeeded ()) {
  System.Out.printLN ("Deployment ID IS:" + Res.Result ());
 } else {
  System.Out.printLN ("Deployment Failed!");

did not come across before with such. Tell me, please, what is it and where you can read good materials about it.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

This is a lambda expression – an anonymous function. Simply put, this is the method without an ad (without access modifiers that return value and name) .

appeared in the 8 version of Java.

Example of use

Write a simple example function interface :

Public Interface Lambda {
  // Interface Method with Missing Implementation
  int getDoubleValue (int val);
  // Interface Method with default implementation
  Default Void Printval (Int Val) {
    System.out.printLN (VAL);

The function interface must have only one abstract method. You can read about the reasons for such a limitation here .

Now create a class for use

Public Class ClassForlambda {
  Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) {
    // declare a link to the function interface
    Lambda lam;
    // Parameter for our abstract method
    int num = 9;
    // prescribate the first implementation option
    LAM = (VAL) - & gt; Val * 2;
    System.out.PrintLN (LAM.GETDOUBLEVALUE (NUM));
    // We prescribe a second embodiment
    LAM = (VAL) - & gt; {
      System.Out.printLN ("Your Number IS" + Val);
      Return Val * 2;
    System.out.PrintLN (LAM.GETDOUBLEVALUE (NUM));

As you can see, the appeal to the method has not changed. Only implementation was subjected to change.


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