Hello everyone. Today I encountered such a problem. I needed to add elements into an associative array. On JavaScript
there is no associative arrays, so I did as an object. Now I can not find the analogue of the Push ()
function. Tell me if anyone knows. Thank you.
Answer 1, Authority 100%
Do you want the keys to be ordinary incremental numbers?
Not really. The first key is some word, the second key is numbers.
OBJ ['KEY'] = [];
OBJ ['Key']. Push ('Value1');
OBJ ['Key']. Push ('Value2');
OBJ ['KEY'] [0]; // 'Value1'
OBJ ['KEY'] [1]; // 'Value2'
Answer 2, Authority 71%
Through the cycle, it is not difficult to fill the object by type key – value from the array.
var datarow = ['string1', 'string2', 'string1'];
var OBJ = {};
$ (datarow) .each (Function (E, I) {
OBJ [E] = I;
// E - Cell index in the array.
// I - Cell content, there can be anything.
At the output, we get:
object {0: "String1", 1: "String2", 2: "String1"}
or so possible:
var datarow = [{name: 'john', data: "text1"}, {name: 'Mark' , Data: "Text2"}, {name: 'Tom', Data: "Text3"}];
var OBJ = {};
$ (datarow) .each (Function (E, I) {
OBJ [i.name] = i.data;
at the output will be:
object {john: "text1", mark: "text2", Tom: "text3"}