Home javascript Obtaining user data via OpenAPI

Obtaining user data via OpenAPI




I use OpenAPI , but I can not get information about the user. Name, surname and ID. Tell me how to do it

Answer 1, Authority 100%

To begin with, you need to connect OpenAPI.js so:

& lt; script src = "// vk.com/js/api/openapi.js" Type = "text / javascript "& gt; & lt; / script & gt;

Next, you must initialize the application with your identifier in Body :

& lt; script type = "text / javascript" & gt;
  Vk.init ({
    APIID: 666.
& lt; / script & gt;

Next, authorized. If successfully logged in, then the user’s data already come to answer

vk.auth.login (function (response) {
  if (response.session) {
    showauthdata (response.session);
    If (response.settings) {
      Console.log (response.settings);
      // Selected user access settings If they were requested
  } else {
    // user pressed the Cancel button in the authorization window
Function ShowauthData (DATA) {
  $ ('Body'). Append ('& lt; P & GT; EXPIRE:' + DATA.EXPIRE + '& lt; / p & gt;');
  $ ('Body'). Append ('& lt; p & gt; MID:' + Data.mid + '& lt; / p & gt;');
  $ ('Body'). Append ('& lt; p & gt; fio:' + data.user.first_name + '' + data.user.last_name + '& lt; / p & gt;');
  $ ('BODY'). Appendomain: '+ Data.user.domain +' & lt; / p & gt; ');
  $ ('Body'). Append ('& lt; P & GT; -------------------------------------- ----------- & lt; / p & gt;);

If you want to separately contact any API method after authorization, then you need to write like this:

vk.api.call (Method, Params, Callback);


  • Method (String) – Title API ;
  • Params (Object) – method parameters;
  • Callback – callback function.

see Documentation …

For example:

vk.api.call ('users.get', {user_ids: 1}, function (R) {
 if (r.Response) {
  Alert ('Hi,' + r.Response [0] .first_name);

This will cause the users.get – and get the user data with the 1

Answer 2

First thing you need Register your VK (Type Specify “Website”) – & nbsp; and copy an application ID:

In the settings of your application, you must specify the domain from which your code will work. If it is copied to another domain – & nbsp; it will stop working.

in VK documentation for OpenAPI There are examples of code. Here they are with minor changes:

& lt; div id = "b-user" & gt; & lt; / div & gt; & lt;! - Here you will bring the username - & gt;
& lt; script src = "// vk.com/js/api/openapi.js"> ;< ;/script> & lt;! - OpenAPI script - & gt;

and javascript:

vk.init ({apiid: 5599725}); // registered a VK application
// here: https://vk.com/editapp?Act=Create
// In the settings you need to specify your domain, where the code will work
Vk.Auth.login (Function (Response) {
 var el = document.getelementByid ('B-User');
 if (response.session) { 
/ * User successfully authorized * /
   If (response.session.mid & amp; & amp; response.session.user) {
    el.innerhtml = 'hello, & lt; a href = "https://vk.com/id%UID%" target = "_ blank" & gt;% username% & lt; / a & gt;!'
     .replace ('% Username%', response.session.user.first_name + '' + response.session.user.last_name)
     .replace ('% uid%', response.session.user.id);
   } else {
    el.innerhtml = 'User data did not come something';
  } else {
   / * User pressed the Cancel button in the authorization window * /
   el.innerhtml = 'the user did not agree ";

work example .

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