Home json Cyrillic in json_encode

Cyrillic in json_encode




The json_encode function encodes the Cyrillic utf-8 as \ u .... . How to make it encode characters “as is”?

Note: without using the second parameter json_encode and mb-function.

Answer 1, authority 100%

Since PHP 5.4.0, the JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE flag has been added and everything has become much simpler:

json_encode ($ array, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE);

Answer 2, authority 25%

I had to write my own function. I hope you haven’t messed up too much?

function normJsonStr ($ str) {
  $ str = preg_replace_callback ('/ \\\\ u ​​([a-f0-9] {4}) / i', create_function ('$ m', 'return chr (hexdec ($ m [1]) - 1072+ 224); '), $ str);
  return iconv ('cp1251', 'utf-8', $ str);

Answer 3, authority 7%

at the beginning of the file add

header ('Content-Type: application / json; charset = utf-8');

Specify Content-Type your own, as appropriate

Answer 4, authority 5%

I will assume that the data comes from the database. In this case, when connecting to the database, you must specify the connection encoding – UTF-8.

"mysql: host = HOST; dbname = DBNAME; charset = utf8"

Answer 5, authority 5%

I was looking for how to solve the problem, in the end it worked when I added a flag to json_encode – JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE
and changed the encoding when outputting

header ('Content-Type: application / json; charset = utf-8');

Answer 6, authority 2%

Nothing. http://php.net/releases/NEWS_5_4_0_beta1.txt

  • Improved JSON extension:. Added new json_encode () option
    (Alexander, Gwynne)

Answer 7

Here is a recursive function that can convert all strings in an array and object to UTF-8:

public function utf8ize ($ data) {
  if (is_array ($ data))
    foreach ($ data as $ key = & gt; $ value)
      $ data [$ key] = $ this- & gt; utf8ize ($ value);
  else if (is_object ($ data))
    foreach ($ data as $ key = & gt; $ value)
      $ data- & gt; $ key = $ this- & gt; utf8ize ($ value);
    return utf8_encode ($ data);
  return $ data;

Also json_last_error () can be useful in debugging json_encode () / json_encode () functions.

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