Home php Using empty interfaces to combine object types

Using empty interfaces to combine object types




I sketched the schematic class Logger , and two classes, readexception and writeException , which extend the Exception class. In the client code, respectively, there is a block for making exceptions. In this embodiment, it turns out that if I add another class (for example FooException ), then in the try {} catch () {} {} I need to add another block Catch (FooException $ E) {} . Here is pseudocode:

class readexception extensions exception
  Public Function __Construct ()
    Parent :: __ Construct ('' file read error! ');
Class WriteException Extends Exception
  Public Function __Construct ()
    Parent :: __ Construct ('Error writing to the file!');
Class Logger.
  / **
   * @return Logger.
   * @Throws readexception
   * /
  Public Function readlines (): Logger
    if (true) {// False | TRUE to switch exceptions
      Throw New Readexception ();
    Return $ this;
  / **
   * @Throws WriteException
   * /
  Public Function Writelines (): void
    if (false) {// False | TRUE to switch exception
      Throw New WriteException ();
Try {
  $ Logger = New Logger ();
  $ Logger- & gt; readlines () - & gt; writeLines ();
} Catch (readexception $ e) {
  Echo $ E- & GT; GetMessage ();
} Catch (WriteException $ E) {
  Echo $ E- & GT; GetMessage ();
} // and here it can be how many cached blocks () {}

I thought of using an empty Exceptions interface, and this allowed you to burn only one Catch unit:

try {
  $ Logger = New Logger ();
  $ Logger- & gt; readlines () - & gt; writeLines ();
} Catch (Exceptions $ E) {
  Echo $ E- & GT; GetMessage ();

Here is an interface option:

interface exceptions {}
Class ReadException Extends Exception Implements Exceptions
  Public Function __Construct ()
    Parent :: __ Construct ('' file read error! ');
Class WriteException Extends Exception Implements Exceptions
  Public Function __Construct ()
    Parent :: __ Construct ('Error writing to the file!');
Class Logger.
  / **
   * @return Logger.
   * @Throws readexception
   * /
  Public Function readlines (): Logger
    if (true) {// False | TRUE to switch exceptions
      Throw New Readexception ();
    Return $ this;
  / **
   * @Throws WriteException
   * /
  Public Function Writelines (): void
    if (false) {// False | TRUE to switch exception
      Throw New WriteException ();
Try {
  $ Logger = New Logger ();
  $ Logger- & gt; readlines () - & gt; writeLines ();
} Catch (Exceptions $ E) {
  Echo $ E- & GT; GetMessage ();

The interface option allows you to create as many classes that extend the exception, and you do not need to add anything in the client code.

Essence of the question: Is it possible to use empty interfaces only to combine object types? Is it a normal practice?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

In PHP there is a basic interface Throwable that can be used as The basis, if it does not differ in functionality from your.

Answer 2

Use as needed. I will give an abstract example:

// In this example, empty interfaces will serve as something similar
// on the "attribute without meaning" or "property", the presence of which indicates
// on the possession of PHP or JavaScript technology (specifically for this).
// Create 2 interfaces (after carefully read the comment above)
Interface PHP {}
Interface JavaScript {} 
// create an abstract class and developers add a method to produce summary
abstract class Developer
  protected $ resume = '';
  public function getResume (): string
    return $ this- & gt; resume.PHP_EOL;
// backend developer implements an interface Php, which means possession PHP technology.
class BackendDeveloper extends Developer implements Php
  protected $ resume = 'I am Backend developer PHP';
// frontend developer implements an interface Javascript, which means ownership of Javascript technology.
class FrontendDeveloper extends Developer implements Javascript
  protected $ resume = 'I am Frontend developer JAVASCRIPT';
// fulstak developers to implement interfaces Php and Javascript, which means the ownership of these technologies.
class FullstackDeveloper extends Developer implements Php, Javascript
  protected $ resume = 'I am Fullstack developer PHP and JAVASCRIPT';
// novice developer does not implement or Php Javascript interface, it does not own the technology.
class JuniorDeveloper extends Developer
  protected $ resume = 'I am junior developer i know nothink';
// create a class of vacancies for developers
class CompanyVacancies
  // "Job: Engineer PHP", and in order for the position to fall developers owning PHP,
  // specify for the expected type of the parameter of our empty interface Php
  public function engineerPhp (Php $ developer): void
    . Echo 'PHP Engineer:' $ developer- & gt; getResume ();
  // "Job: Engineer Javascript is", similarly, we expect developers owning Javascript is,
  // specify for the expected type of the parameter of our empty interface Javascript
  public function engineerJavascript (Javascript $ developer): void
    . Echo 'Javascript Engineer:' $ developer- & gt; getResume ();
  // "vacancy: novice developer" at this position does not require or Javascript is Php,
  // specify for the expected parameter type Developer.
  public function juniorDeveloper (Developer $ developer): void
    . Echo 'Junior Developer:' $ developer- & gt; getResume ();
// generate developed by each specialization
$ Backend = new BackendDeveloper ();
$ Frontend = new FrontendDeveloper ();
$ Fullstack = new FullstackDeveloper ();
$ Junior = new JuniorDeveloper ();
// generate jobs company
$ CompanyVacancies = new CompanyVacancies ();
// try to arrange the developers for each vacancy
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; engineerPhp ($ backend); // display a summary of the developer backend
// $ companyVacancies- & gt; engineerPhp ($ frontend); // error, not fluent PHP frontend
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; engineerPhp ($ fullstack); // display a summary of the developer fulstak
// $ companyVacancies- & gt; engineerPhp ($ junior); // error, not joon owns PHP
// $ companyVacancies- & gt; engineerJavascript ($ backend); // error, backend does not own Javascript
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; engineerJavascript ($ frontend); // display a summary frontend developer
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; engineerJavascript ($ fullstack); // display a summary of the developer fulstak
// $ companyVacancies- & gt; engineerJavascript ($ junior); // error, not joon owns Javascript
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; juniorDeveloper ($ backend); // display a summary of the developer backend
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; juniorDeveloper ($ frontend); // display a summary frontend developer
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; juniorDeveloper ($ fullstack); // display a summary of the developer fulstak
$ CompanyVacancies- & gt; juniorDeveloper ($ junior); // display a summary of Juna

Answer 3

I do not think it’s right, because the interface is just to describe the behavior, and if anything in the interface and the interface is not needed. Imagine a keyboard without keys, to whom and why is it necessary?

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