Home python Requirements.txt - how to get it?

Requirements.txt – how to get it?




Answer 1, authority 100%

Using the command:

pip freeze

Answer 2, authority 57%

To get a list of packages in the project, run the command

pip freeze

To write the output to requirements.txt, add the following:

pip freeze & gt; requirements.txt

Execute the command at the root of the project. The file will also appear there. This assumes the use of an active venv for the current project. When running outside the virtual environment of the current project, unnecessary packages not related to the current project may be pulled!

Answer 3, authority 29%

It’s best to look at INSTALLED_APPS and pick everything out manually. With pip freeze there is an option to get a pumpkin after a while, because it pulls absolutely all packages along with their dependencies (including system ones), and packages are updated over time, old versions are removed. And you don’t have to manage dependencies manually – this is the task of the package manager (pip or easy_install).

It is best to fill in the requirements file as you write the project, not after.

Added: pip has a suitable option: pip freeze --local .

From Help: If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not output globally-installed packages.

Answer 4, authority 18%

To create a requirements.txt or update an existing file to match the current virtualenv, you can use pip-dump command :

$ pip install pip-tools
$ pip-dump

This package works on * nix systems .

Answer 5, authority 4%

There is a Python library pipreqs

to work with requirements.txt

Installation: pip install pipreqs

  • Use pipreqs / path / to / project / folder
  • to generate requirements.txt

  • If requirements.txt already exists and needs to be overwritten, then use the —force
  • flag

  • If you just want to look at the libraries being used without creating, the —print
  • flag

More here

Answer 6

Chet first read in Russian and began to answer in English. Well, a little magic if there is no venv

If you have little project THIS will do some magic

for i in `cat * .py | grep -R import | sort | uniq | sed 's / ^ import //; s / ^ from //; s / import. * // '`; do python -m pip freeze --local | grep -i $ i; done

You should check it, but it work.
It goes through all the files, collects imports and clicks on the installed packages, of course it does not look for a full match, so there will be unnecessary ones, but not many.

Answer 7

If you are working in PyCharm, you can generate requirements.txt based on the current project: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm/managing-dependencies.html . Convenient, since only packages that are used in the project are added.
There may be a similar tool in another IDE you are using.

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