Home python Setting up Sublime Text 3 under Python 3

Setting up Sublime Text 3 under Python 3




I decided to go to Sublime collided with the following problem.
Set Packages:

  1. python3
  2. sublime puthonide
  3. all autocomplite
  4. Sublime CodeIntel
  5. sublimerepl

When starting any code on Python in Sublime issues:

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[shell_cmd: py -3 -oo -u “D: \ Programming \ Python \ Learning \ Programm Deal List \ Test.py”]
[DIR: D: \ Programming \ Python \ Learning \ Programm Deal List]
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Answer 1

In fact, the reasons can be a lot, the type of incorrect installation / adjustment adjustments or their conflict with each other. For example, to sublime Codeintel work, you must first install CodeIntel in Python.
However, without this, a set of plugins, to put it mildly, not very:

  • Sublime Puthonide – not updated for five years
  • all autocomplite – trying to clamp an immense
  • Sublime CodeIntel – also 3 years as in a coma
  • From the entire list of Sublimerepl even less, but also requires setting.

Instead of all this, it is better to install:

In principle, this is quite enough for comfortable work with the code, especially if you penetrate and configure for yourself.

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