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No SDK for Java and Error “The Select Directory IS Not A Valid Home for JDK”




installed Intellij Idea 2017.2, but when creating a project in the “Project SDK” field, “No SDK” is inscription. If you click “New” and specify the path to the previously downloaded JDK-10.0.1, then the “The Select Directory IS Not A Valid Home for JDK” error crashes. Such a way: C: \ Program Files \ Java \ JDK-10.0.1
At the Intellij IDEA 2016 the same problem.
I read about some variables of the medium, made as in the instruction it was (see on screenshots).
Also noticed that in the java folder now there is no folder with JRE, although it was before (reinstalled JDK). But the error even with its presence.
Need to put JRE separately?
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Answer 1, Authority 100%

10 version jdk is not compatible with intellij idea 2017.2 . Download an earlier version, for example, jdk 8-9

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