Home android change the color of the RadioButton Android elements

change the color of the RadioButton Android elements




I have alertdialog, in which I create Radiogroup, how can I change the color of the text and the color of the RadioButton?

Private Fun Showdialog () {
  Lateinit Var Dialog: Alertdialog
  Var Them_Alert = 0
  Val Builder = Alertdialog.builder (this)
  VAR TEXT = TextView (BaseContext)
  Text.Settext ("Choose theme")
  Text.Setgravity (gravity.center)
  Text.SetPadding (0.40,0,0)
  text.settextSize (25f)
  IF (Them == 1) {
    text.settextcolor (Color.Black)
    text.setbackgroundcolor (Color.White)
  ELSE {
    text.settextcolor (Color.white)
    Text.SetBackGroundColor (Resources.Getcolor (R.Color.pole))
  Var Checked = 1
  Builder.SetcustomTitle (Text)
  Builder.SetpositiveButton (Android.r.String.yes) {
    Dialog, Which- & gt;
    if (Them_alert == 1) {
      DARK ()
    ELSE If (Them_alert == 2) {
      Light ()
  Builder.SetnegativeButton (Android.r.String.cancel) {
    Dialog, Which- & gt;
  IF (Them == 1) {
    Checked = 1.
  ELSE {
    Checked = 0.
  Val Array = Arrayof ("Dark", "Light")
  Builder.SetsinglechoiceItems (Array, Checked, {_, Which- & gt;
    Val Color = Array [Which]
    if (Color == "Dark") {
      Them_alert = 1 // Dark
    if (Color == "Light") {
      Them_alert = 2 // Light
  Dialog = Builder.Create ()
  IF (Them == 1) {
    Dialog.GetWindow () !!. SetbackgroundDrawABlereSource (R.Color.White)
    //dialog.getbutton(Dialoginterface.button_negative ).setTextColor(Color.Black)
  ELSE {
    dialog.getwindow () !!. SetbackgroundDrawABlereSource (R.Color.pole)
  dialog.show ()

Answer 1, Authority 100%

To change the button color, you will need to create your use:

android: buttontint = "@ color / youur_color"

So it looks like in XML markup of your activity / fragment:

& lt; radiobutton
  Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
  Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
  Android: id = "@ + id / radio"
  Android: Checked = "True"
  Android: beuttontint = "@ color / your_color" / & gt;

and on color in colors.xml

& lt; color name = "your_color" & gt; # E75748 & lt; / Color & GT;

In the code, this is done so programmatically:

if (build.version.sdk_int & gt; = 21)
  ColorStatelist ColorStateList = New ColorStatelist (
      NEW INT [] [] {
          New int [] { -Android.r.attr.state_enabled}, // disabled
          New int [] {android.r.attr.state_enabled} // Enabled
      NEW INT [] {
          Color.Black // disabled.
          , Color.Blue // Enabled
  Radio.SetButtontintList (ColorStatelist); // Set The Color Tint List
  Radio.Invalidate (); // COULD NOT BE NECESSARY

You can also create a button for text text:

& lt; selector xmlns: android = "http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" & gt;
  & lt; Item Android: state_pressed = "True" Android: color = "# 0F0" / & gt;
  & lt; item Android: state_checked = "true" android: color = "# FFF" / & gt;
  & lt; Item Android: Color = "# 00F" / & gt;
& lt; / selector & gt;

and connect it to the button:

& lt; radiobutton
  Android: layout_width = "wrap_content"
  Android: Checked = "False"
  Android: layout_height = "wrap_content"
  Android: TextColor = "@ Color / RadioButtonState" / & gt;

both methods work well, the simplest is buttonTint . To change the color of the text, use the textColor in the xml markup. Here has a question on your topic and here another one.

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