Hello everyone. I recently had to use Hangfire to launch a specific task.
When you start the task, I get this exception in the planner itself:
An Exception Occurred During Processing Of A Background Job.
A Suitable Constructor for Type 'SmsservicePanel.getInfoforResourseService' Could Not Be Located. Ensure The Type is Concrete and Services Are Registered for All Parameters of a Public Constructor.
System.InvalidOperationException: A Suitable Constructor for Type 'SMSServicePanel.getInfoforResourSeservice' Could Not Be Located. Ensure The Type is Concrete and Services Are Registered for All Parameters of a Public Constructor.
AT Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActiveInsTorutiIs.CreateInstance (IServiceProvider Provider, Type InstanceType, Object [] Parameters)
at Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.ActiveVatorutilities.GetServiceorcreateInsTance (IServiceProvider Provider, Type Type)
at hangfire.aspnetcore.aspnetcorejobactivatorscope.resolve (Type Type)
AT Hangfire.Server.CorebackGroundJobperformer.perform (PerformContext CONTEXT)
at hangfire.server.backgroundjobperformer. & lt; & gt; c__displayclass9_0. & lt; Performjobwithfilters & gt; b__0 ()
at Hangfire.Server.BackgroundJobperformer.invokeperformFilter (iServerFilter Filter, PerformingContext Precontext, Func`1 Continuation)
at hangfire.server.backgroundjobperformer. & lt; & gt; c__displayclass9_1. & lt; Performjobwithfilters & gt; b__2 ()
AT Hangfire.Server.BackgroundJobperformer.performJobwithfilters (PerformContext Context, Ienumerable`1 Filters)
AT Hangfire.Server.BackGroundJobperformer.perform (PerformContext CONTEXT)
at Hangfire.server.Worker.performJob (BackgroundProcessContext Connection, IStorageConnection Connection, String Jobid)
Here is the code of the whole task:
Public String Name {Get; SET; }
Public String Count {Get; SET; }
Public Class GetInfoforResoursourseservice.
Public IinfowithPanelRepository InfoWithPanelRepository;
GetInfoforResourseService (EfuserDbContext DB, IinfowithPanelRepository InfoWithPanelRepository)
this.db = db;
this.infowithpanelRepository = InfoWithPanelRepository;
Private Async Task & Lt; String & GT; Request ()
var appsettingsjson = appsettingsjson.getAppsettings ();
var ip = appsettingsjson ["smsserviceip"];
var apikey = appsettingsjson ["apikeysmsservice"];
WebRequest Request = WebRequest.create ($ "http: // {} / Stubs/monitors_ajax.php");
Request.method = "post"; // For sending Used POST method
// Data for sending
STRING DATA = $ "api_key = {apikey}";
// Transform data into an array of bytes
byte [] bytearray = System.Text.Encoding.utf8.getBytes (DATA);
// Install the content type - ContentType parameter
Request.contentType = "Application / X-WWW-FORM-URLENCODED";
// Install the Content-Length query header - the ContentLength property
Request.contentLength = bytearray.Length;
// write data into the query stream
Using (Stream DataStream = Request.getRequeststReam ())
datastream.write (Bytearray, 0, bytearray.Length);
WEBRESPONSE RESPONSE = await request.getResponseAsync ();
Stream Stream = Response.getResponseStream ();
StreamReader Reader = New StreamReader (Stream);
STRING RESULT = Reader.ReadToend ();
response.close ();
Public Async Task GetInfo ()
var jsonstring = await request ();
Root result = jsonconvert.deserializeobject & lt; root & gt; (jsonstring);
var resourceselist = new list & lt; jsonservialize & gt; ();
Foreach (Var Item in Result.UnProcessed_requests)
var addeditem = new jsonserialize () {name = item.server_name, count = item.requests_count};
ResourSelist.add (AddedItem);
var json = system.text.json.jsonSerializer.serialize (ResourSelist);
InfoWithPanel info = await db.infos.firstordefaultAltasync ();
if (info == null)
var addedinfo = new infoWithPanel () {Resourses = JSON, LastUpdate = datetime.Now};
infoWithPanelRepository.create (AddedInfo);
var updatedInfo = new infoWithPanel () {id = info.id, Resourses = JSON, LastUpdate = datetime.Now};
infoWithPanelRepository.update (UpdatedInfo);
Answer 1
Thank you guys from comments. I assigned a bublic availability modifier constructor and now everything worked.