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Delphi Pointers What, How, and Why?




Please give me some food for your mind about DELPHI pointers!
No, of course I read the mat part and worked with them (not fully understanding their nature) but why?

type TMyRec = class
 s: string;
 n: integer;
var MyRec: TMyRec;
  PRec: ^ TMyRec;
// But MyRec is now null, which memory area can PRec start to refer to?
 PRec: = @ MyRec;
 PRec ^ .S: = 'Data string'; // Using the pointer, the string field of the record is changed
 PRec ^ .N: = 256; // Changing the numeric record field using the pointer

Everything is super, everything is great and works. But why bother if the next entry also works great?

var MyRec: TMyRec;
 MyRec: = TMyRec.Create;
 MyRec.S: = 'Data string';
 MyRec.N: = 256;

In general, I have a bunch of questions on pointers that I can’t even formulate
I would be grateful for any information that explains why pointers are needed in everyday life

Answer 1, authority 100%

A pointer synonym is link.
There is memory, there is a reference to memory.
When passing TClass in the procedure, a pointer (reference) to the object will still be passed, not the object itself.

When transferring record without a pointer, the entire piece of memory will be transferred to the procedure, not a reference, that is, the complete structure.

The pointer is inherited from Pascal even before OOP, that is, when there were no classes yet.
In Pascal, there are no classes like TList, and in order to do something similar, you need to fence your garden:

TList = record
S: string;
Next: pointer;
prev: pointer;
PList = ^ TList

That is, pointers are needed mainly for record and for compatibility with Pascal

Answer 2, authority 90%

Let’s stop at

// But MyRec is null now


Everything is great, everything is great and works.

The local variable MyRec before assignment is not nil , but has an arbitrary value (garbage). You are just in luck, because in the following lines you write to an arbitrary memory area, and the consequences of this may be the most unexpected.

Remember in Sudden Access Violation Delphi 10.1 Berlin I changed your code

 Props: = getProps;

taking the assignment out of try

Props: = getProps;

The meaning of the line assigning the value Props outside the try / finally block is that in case of an exception, inside getProps , inside finally the code will not hit, and there will be no attempt to free the memory pointed to by the uninitialized local variable Props .

Another correct option:

Props: = nil;
 Props: = getProps;

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