Home computickets Difference between impl Trait and Box & LT; DYN Trait & GT;

Difference between impl Trait and Box & LT; DYN Trait & GT;




What is the difference between impl trait and box & lt; DYN Trait & gt; ? Are they interchangeable?

Let’s say … there is such a code:

trait animal {
  Fn Noise (& amp; self);
Struct Sheep;
impl animal for sheep {
  Fn Noise (& amp; self) {
    PrintLN! ("Beeeeh");
fn get_sheep_one () - & gt; impl animal {
  Sheep {}
fn get_sheep_two () - & gt; Box & lt; Dyn Animal & GT; {
  BOX :: NEW (SHEEP {})
FN Main () {
  get_sheep_one (). Noise ();
  get_sheep_two (). Noise ();

Does the difference between the first and second functions lies only in the second case the object type Box

is returned

Answer 1, Authority 100%

The difference is that the exact type of Impl Animal must be removed at the compilation stage i. fn get_sheep_one () - & gt; Impl Animal For this implementation is equivalent to the simple return Sheep .

if you add another type:

struct cow;
impl Animal for COW {
  Fn Noise (& amp; Self) - & gt; & amp; 'static str {

That such a function will no longer work:

fn get_animal_by_str_bad (s: & amp; str) - & gt; Result & lt; impl Animal, String & GT; {
  IF S == "COW" {
   OK (COW {})
  } else if s == "sheep" {
   OK (SHEEP {})
  } else {
   ERR ("Unknown Animal" .to_string ())

and will give an error [playground] :

error [E0308]: Mismatched Types
 - & gt; SRC / Main.RS: 25: 10
25 | OK (SHEEP {})
  | ^^^^^^^ Expected Struct `Cow`, Found Struct` Sheep`
       Found Type `Sheep`

The error text is somewhat confused, but it is such a logic: based on the fact that the first returned value in the course of the text was Cow , Rust output that impl Animal should be like COW and indignant when after he decided that there would be a cow, she was sent to him.

In order to overcome this restriction, just need to use Box and DYN [PlayGround] :

fn get_animal_by_str (s: & amp; str) - & gt; Result & lt; Box & lt; DYN ANIMAL & GT;, String & GT; {
  IF S == "COW" {
   OK (BOX :: NEW (COW {}))
  } else if s == "sheep" {
   OK (BOX :: NEW (SHEEP {}))
  } else {
   ERR ("Unknown Animal" .to_string ())

In fact, the whole structure means that we return the link to the dynamic object (Box ), which is implementing (this is said about DYN ) ANIMAL

In the original version of the practical difference in general, it is not, except that the option with Box will have an overwhelming on the selection / release of the memory and the reference to the link. But in essence these are two different actions.

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