Home git How to switch between branches in Git when there are unsaved changes...

How to switch between branches in Git when there are unsaved changes in the current branch?




I have a project. Located in the Project folder. Initializing Git, I create a new branch:

git init
Git Add.
Git Commit -m 'First Commit'
Git Branch Feature.
// Do something for Feature

What have I have? Two branches. One – Master . Other – Feature. They are distinguished.
I changed some files in the Project folder (while I worked in the Feature branch). But here it was very necessary to take a look at the files that in Master .

How to make in the Project folder there are not those files that I now work on Feature , but those that were in the Master ?

Answer 1, Authority 100%

If you already have a branch Feature , then after the commit to it, make Git Checkout Master – this will switch the current branch to Master .

While you have not made the changes, you cannot switch to another branch. Output two: composing changes or postpone them. The second can be done using Git Stash – this will add current uncomplete changes to the stack of change and reset the current workflow to head and the repository. Next you can:

  • Git Stash List : show all changes in the stack
  • Git Stash Show : show the last change in the stack (patch)
  • Git Stash Apply : Apply the last change from the stack to the current working copy
  • Git Stash Drop : Remove the last change in the stack
  • Git Stash Pop : Apply the last change from the stack to the current working copy and remove it from the
  • stack>

  • Git Stash Clear : Clean the Stack of Changes

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