Home java Help Compare Two String Massif Using Standard Comparison Methods

Help Compare Two String Massif Using Standard Comparison Methods




You need to write a method of comparing two string type arrays. Made checks for the length of arrays, on the identity of the length of words in the cells of the array. And now it is necessary to compare words in the same array cells in the same way and here the snag. That’s what I have yet happened to do:

Public Static Void Main (String [] Args) Throws Exception {
  STRING [] F1 = {"RED", "Black", "Blue"};
  STRING [] S2 = {"RED", "BLOCK", "BLUE"};
  System.Out.printLN (CompareStringArries (F1, S2));
Public Static Boolean COMPARESTRINGARRAYS (String [] First, String [] Second) Thrown Exception {
  if (first == null || second == null)
    Throw New Exception ("This Object Is Not Exist");
  if (first.length! = Second.Length)
    Throw New Exception ("The Length of Arrays Is Not The Same");
  For (int i = 0; i & lt; first.length; i ++) {
    For (int j = 0; j & lt; second.length; j ++) {
      if (i == j & amp; & amp; first [i] .length ()! = Second [j] .length ()) {
  For (int i = 0; i & lt; first.length; i ++) {
    For (int j = 0; j & lt; second.length; j ++) {
      if (i == j) {
        For (int k = 0; k & lt; first [i] .length (); k ++) {
          For (int l = 0; L & lt; Second [j] .length (); l ++) {
            if (k == l & amp; & amp;) {

In the brain I understand that it is necessary to compare, and how to do it I do not figure it out …
Thank you in advance for the answer and explanation.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

I got this decision:

public static boolean comparestringarrays (String [] First, String [] Second) Throwns Exception {
  if (first == null)
  ELSE if (second == null)
  if (first.length! = Second.Length)
  int size = first.length;
  For (int indexofstring = 0; indexofstring & lt; size; indexofstring ++)
    IF (GetLength (FIRST, INDEXOFSTING)! = GetLength (Second, Indexofstring))
      For (int indexofsymbol = 0; indexofsymbol & lt; GetLength (first, indexofstring); indexofsymbol ++)
        if (first [indexofstring] .charat (indexofsymbol)! = Second [indexofstring] .charat (indexofsymbol))
          RETURN FALSE;
Private Static Int Getlength (String [] Array, Int Index) {
  Return Array [index] == NULL? 0: Array [index] .length ();

Answer 2

And why not just do so?

// in the future, instead of first.Length you need to insert an array, with the greatest
  // number Item's
  For (int i = 0; i & lt; first.length; I ++) {
  // Since the check on the same number of letters already has, you can this if
  // Simplify
          char [] firstword = first [i] .tocararray ();
          char [] secondword = second [i] .tocararray ();
          For (int i = 0; i & lt; firstword.length (); i ++)
           If (firstword [i]! = SecondWord [i]) {return false; }
   } // if you do not return FALSE, then check is performed successfully.

Not the best solution (wrote on an ambulance hand), but the principle you must understand.

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