My configuration looks like this:
& lt; dependency & gt;
& Lt; groupId & gt; io.springfox & lt; / groupId & gt;
& Lt; artifactId & gt; springfox-swagger-ui & lt; / artifactId & gt;
& Lt; version & gt; $ {} & lt; / version & gt;
& Lt; scope & gt; compile & lt; / scope & gt;
& lt; / dependency & gt;
& lt; dependency & gt;
& Lt; groupId & gt; io.springfox & lt; / groupId & gt;
& Lt; artifactId & gt; springfox-swagger2 & lt; / artifactId & gt;
& Lt; version & gt; $ {} & lt; / version & gt;
& Lt; scope & gt; compile & lt; / scope & gt;
& lt; / dependency & gt;
//P.S. & Lt; & gt; 2.9.2 & lt; />
@ Configuration
@ComponentScan (basePackageClasses = {ControllerPackageMarker.class, MappersPackageMarker.class})
@ EnableSwagger2
@PropertySource ( "classpath:")
public class WebMvcConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer {
@Value ( "$ {upload.path}")
private String path;
@Value ( "$ {max.file.size}")
private long maxFileSize;
public BCryptPasswordEncoder passwordEncoder () {
return new BCryptPasswordEncoder (12);
public void addArgumentResolvers (List & lt; HandlerMethodArgumentResolver & gt; resolvers) {
resolvers.add (new AuthenticationPrincipalArgumentResolver ());
@Bean (name = "multipartResolver")
public CommonsMultipartResolver multipartResolver () {
CommonsMultipartResolver multipartResolver = new CommonsMultipartResolver ();
multipartResolver.setMaxUploadSize (maxFileSize);
return multipartResolver;
public void addResourceHandlers (ResourceHandlerRegistry registry) {
boolean isWindows = System.getProperty ( "") contains ( "Windows").;
registry.addResourceHandler ( "/ img / **")
.addResourceLocations (? isWindows "file: ///" + path: "file: //" + path);
registry.addResourceHandler ( "swagger-ui.html")
.addResourceLocations ( "classpath: / META-INF / resources /");
registry.addResourceHandler ( "/ webjars / **")
.addResourceLocations ( "classpath: / META-INF / resources / webjars /");
public Docket api () {
return new Docket (DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)
.select ()
.apis (RequestHandlerSelectors.any ())
.paths (PathSelectors.any ())
.build ();
According to the documentation, bean and dependency pom enough, but when I turn on the link localhost: 8080 / swagger-ui.html
does not show anything ((
The security config I pointed antMathers ( "/ swagger-ui.html") permitAll ();.
This is what comes out:
As you can see from the screenshots, let me in the country, but the page is completely blank
(All controllers on the spot)
UPD : / v2 / api-docs
work, give json
Do not operate the following URLs (404):
app_root / v2 / swagger-ui /
app_root / swagger-ui /
Answer 1, Authority 100%
allow URL /swagger-ui.html
was not enough. That’s what decided my question:
@ Override
public void configure (WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
web.ignoring (). antMatchers ( "/ v2 / api-docs",
"/ Configuration / ui",
"/ Swagger-resources / **",
"/ Configuration / security",
"/ Webjars / **");
it I overdered in the SpringSecurity config and everything worked
Answer 2, Authority 67%
I have in one of the projects /swagger-ui.html
did not work because of the dependence
& lt; dependency & gt;
& lt; groupid & gt; org.apache.tomcat.Embed & lt; / groupid & gt;
& lt; artifactid & gt; Tomcat-Embed-Jasper & lt; / artifactid & gt;
& lt; scope & gt; compile & lt; / scope & gt;
& lt; / dependency & gt;
If it is not possible to fix it, you can download Swagger UI
and download it as static files ( Directory Dist
But generally I recommend to watch OpenAPI