Home java rounding fractional numbers to whole

rounding fractional numbers to whole




What are the standard means for rounding numbers in Java?

  • Example of rounding: 3.49 – 3, 3.50 – 4, 3.51 – 4.

Answer 1, Authority 100%

  1. math.ceil (n) – returns the smallest integer that is greater or equal
    argument n.
  2. math.floor (n) – returns the greatest integer
    which is less than or equal to the argument n.
  3. math.round (N) returns
    An integer nearest to argument N (round n).

Example with Ceil :

int rexult = (int) math.ceil (3.8);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); //4
INT RESULT = (INT) Math.ceil (3.3);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); //4

Example with Floor :

int rexult = (int) math.floor (3.8);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); // 3.
INT RESULT = (INT) Math.floor (3.3);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); // 3.

Example with Round :

int frame = (int) math.round (3.8);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); //4
INT RESULT = (INT) Math.round (3.3);
System.out.PrintLN (Result); // 3.

Answer 2, Authority 16%

During my youth, when there were no such smart ROUND / CEIL / FLOOR , rounding was done about this:

double x = 8.3;
int i;
i = (int) (x + 0.5); // Round
i = (int) (x); // Floor
i = (int) (x + 1); // Ceil.

Answer 3, Authority 3%

math.round () method Returns Long or int (integer), nearest to real number, double or Float , argument. In other words, it carries out rounding to integers.

double d1 = 1.49;
Double d2 = 1.50;
Math.round (D1);
Math.round (D2);

and result:

d1 = 1
d2 = 2.

Answer 4

Here is the right code:

double b = 6.7;
Float C = 4.5F;
Double H = 4.1;
System.Out.printLN (Math.round (H)); // Output to the screen The integer value of type int to the farmost number (4.5 will have a number 5)
System.Out.PrintLN (Math.Floor (C)); / * rounds the number of type float down to the nearest to Double * /
System.out.print (Math.ceil (H)); // Rounds the number of type Double up to the type Double

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