Home java What causes the NullPointerException error

What causes the NullPointerException error




I have been studying Java relatively recently (I have experience in writing applications in C++ OpenGL GLSL). I decided to write a bot, like a question-answer, I sketched the logic, compiled – an error appears java.lang.NullPointerException

Here is the execution log:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
  at iostream.Main.main (Main.java:16)
/home/hays/.cache/netbeans/8.1/executor-snippets/run.xml:53: Java returned:
ASSEMBLY COMPLETE FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)

Here are the sources, a dictionary with keys and values ​​is read from a file and parsed into HashMap data.txt

How are you ?! | How are you?!
Not bad either | I’m glad!
What is your name? | Holo

The Main class:

package iostream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Main {
  private static IOStream StreamIO;
  private static Parser Holo;
  public static void main (String [] args) throws IOException {
    String patch = "data.txt";
    StreamIO = new IOStream (patch);
    String Text = StreamIO.read ();
    System.out.println (Text);
    System.out.println (StreamIO.NumOFphrases ());
    Holo.ParseString (Text, StreamIO.NumOFphrases ());
    Scanner in = new Scanner (System.in);
    String question = in.nextLine ();
    System.out.println (Holo.DiologHolo.get (question));

Parser class:

package iostream;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class Parser {
public Map DiologHolo = new HashMap & lt; String, String & gt; ();
  public boolean SetKeyValue (String Key, String Value)
    if (Key.isEmpty () & amp; & amp; Value.isEmpty ())
      return false;
      DiologHolo.put (Key, Value);
    return true;
  public void ParseString (String Text, int NumOFphrases)
    String KeyValue [] = Text.split ("|"); // by space
    for (int i = 0; i & lt; NumOFphrases; i + = 2) {
      System.out.println (KeyValue [i]);
      System.out.println (KeyValue [i ++]);
      SetKeyValue (KeyValue [i], KeyValue [i ++]);

IOStream Class:

package iostream;
import java.io. *;
public class IOStream {
  // class for reading the file
  private InputStream inputstream;
  // class for writing to file
  private OutputStream outputStream;
  // path to the file that we will read and write
  private String path;
  private int Numofphrases = 0;
  public int NumOFphrases () {
  return this.Numofphrases;
  public IOStream (String path) {
    this.path = path;
  // read file using InputStream
  public String read () throws IOException {
    // initialize the stream for reading
    inputstream = new FileInputStream (path);
    int byteChar;
    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream ();
    while ((byteChar = inputstream.read ())! = - 1)
      baos.write (byteChar);
      if ('|' == (char) byteChar)
        Numofphrases ++;
    // close the stream
    inputstream.close ();
    return baos.toString ();
// write to file using OutputStream
  public void write (String st) throws IOException {
    // initialize the stream to output data
    // which will allow us to write new data to the file
    outputStream = new FileOutputStream (path);
    // pass the resulting string to st and convert it to a byte array.
    outputStream.write (st.getBytes ());
    // close the output stream
    // only after we close the stream, the data will go to the file.
    outputStream.close ();

Answer 1, authority 100%

You have not initialized Holo

private static Parser Holo;

and trying to use its method

Holo.ParseString (Text, StreamIO.NumOFphrases ());

You need to initialize the object like this

private static Parser Holo = new Parser ();

Answer 2, authority 98%

Java outputs:


in cases when a reference to a “null” object occurs.

Run your code in debug, find where you have null, add a check if this is normal behavior, or find the reason why the object you are accessing is null.

I also recommend reading this article, it is devoted to this problem and is written just for beginners.

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