Home javascript How to delete each previous label in leaflet.js, after adding a new...

How to delete each previous label in leaflet.js, after adding a new one?




Tell me how to properly write code and delete previous tags in Leaflet?

mymap.on ("click", function (E) {
    Let NewMarker = New L.Marker ([e.latlng.lat, e.latlng.lng]);
    newmarker.addto (MYMAP);

There is a constant addition of a new one, and you need to add only one. Thank you

Answer 1, Authority 100%

Initialize the marker to the subscription to the ‘Click’ event.
Then, if there is a layer of ‘newmarker’ on the map, we remove it.
After that, add a new marker.

let newmarker;
  MyMap.ON ('Click', Function (E) {
    if (MYMAP.HASLayer (Newmarker)) {
      MyMap.RemoveLayer (Newmarker);
    newmarker = new l.marker ([e.latlng.lat, e.latlng.lng]);
    newmarker.addto (MYMAP);

or can be done like this:

mymap.on ('Click', Function (E) {
  if (mymap.haslayer (this.Layer)) {
    mymap.removelayer (this.Layer);
  this.Layer = New L.Marker ([e.latlng.lat, e.latlng.lng]);
  this.Layer.Addto (MyMap);

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