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I study sorting by a bubble for lists.
Tell me how to calculate the number of iterations in the for:


list_for_sorting = [20, -34, -42, 4, -20, -20, 29, 16, 79 ]
DEF Sorting (New_List):
  Last_Item = Len (new_list) -1
  For i in Range (0, Last_Item):
    # PRINT (new_list)
    For x in Range (0, Last_Item):
      IF new_list [x] & gt; new_list [x + 1]:
        new_list [x], new_list [x + 1] = new_list [x + 1], new_list [x]
  Return new_list.
Print ('Original List:', List_for_sorting)
new_list = Sorting (List_For_Sorting) .Copy ()
Print ('Sorting List:', new_list)

Answer 1, Authority 100%

a = [1, 2nd, 3, 4, 5]
result = {"Iteration_Number_For_Main_loop": 0}
For i in a:
  Result ["Iteration_Number_For_Main_loop"] + = 1
  Key = "Iteration_Number_For_loop_With_Value = {}". Format (I)
  Value = 0.
  For j in a:
    Value + = 1
  Result [Key] = Value
For X, Y in Result.iterItems ():
  Print "{0}: {1}". Format (X, Y)
print "sum:", sum (result.values ​​())
# Iteration_number_for_loop_with_value = 4: 5
# Iteration_number_for_loop_with_value = 5: 5
# Iteration_number_for_loop_with_value = 1: 5
# Iteration_number_for_loop_with_value = 2: 5
# Iteration_number_for_loop_with_value = 3: 5
#iteration_number_for_main_loop: 5
#sum: 30

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